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USA's public is mindset Balkanized. Note that celebrity Bill Maher, STILLL belvies there's no evidence Biden elec was rigged. STILL believes that

By from net, Posted in Commentary


Despite 2000 MULES et al. So propagandized bias is the biggest social political problem in the USA today. It's skews of mass formation psychosis. For example take a look at this form the Keke Palm wiki page.

"Palmer has said she does not want her sexuality defined by labels and said that people should be fluid with labelling themselves, as their identities can change.[85] In February 2017, during an interview on The Wendy Williams Show, when asked by Williams whether she was sexually fluid, Palmer replied, "Yeah, I like whoever loves me. Love is defined by the individual, and what I feel today is not what I necessarily may feel five years from now. I don't want to limit myself to one feeling or one idea of anything."

WHA???? How mental does one have to be to believe this nonsense. And she's not age 15, she's age 30 for crying out loud. 30, and is this mentally twisted due to decades of NWO propaganda thru MSM. It's a severe societal nightmare.