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In case you heaven't heard -- THE CLIENT LIST of visitors to Epstein Island has been leaked out

By from net, Posted in Social Demons (bad people / organizations)

And includes many names that one is truly shocked to see on there. Celebs you used to think were "good ppl". Including (brace yourself) the likes of Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks , Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert.

But understand that-- going to THE ISLAND was an initiation ritual for becoming an NWO cult member --to guarantee enduring wealth and fame. NOWWWW one starts to see why KIMMEL and COLBERT turned TV shows that used to be simply entertainment, into nonstop infomercials for the radical left, into political propaganda for the radical-left NWO viewpoint ON EVERYTHING. Got it? Get it? Why would anyone with a brain listen to nitely political rants from .. a comedian. Like Colbert, or Kimmel (or Zelensky for that matter. USA's newest TV celeb, despite being an insane and totally corrupt dictator/NWO puppet -- https://www.rt.com/russia/567520-ukraine-crackdown-russia-churches/ ).

BEING ATTENTIVE to a comedian spouting one-sided political rhetoric, is like asking your barber for his views on psychiatry, structural engineering, or food processing. What the heck does he know about the intricacies of such? WAKE UP AMERIKA. You're in the midst of NWO takeover. The big effing RESET. It's been in progress for years. And is intensely happening all around you. WAKE UP. This, is subtle political propaganda disguised as humor. It's like Ron Popeil style COOKING programs. They were all designed to SELL YOU SOMETHING - under the guise of entertainment. Kimmel and Colbert are selling you DUMB-O-MATIC, woke-cooking, pre-digested political memes. These are subtle dimensions of the BIG RESET TAKEOVER happening everywhere acorss America. Form the queer / trans public schools in your town, to the fake clone presidency "Biden" ornament in DC (Susan Rice is defacto potus behind the scenes).


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