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The day BILL MAHER came to believe he was politically perceptive.... was... oops...

By from net, Posted in Social Demons (bad people / organizations)

-- the day he lost his mind, his sanity.. HE WAS a deft comic. As were Jimmy Kimmel, Steve Colbert, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Fallon (and Barack Obama and Adam Schiff -lol). Oprah was... a good talk show host.

Some ppl should stick to what they do best. Especially if what they do best does not include delving into political speculation. The following clip does not mark the end of "democracy". It marks the end of taking Bill Maher with any grain of seriousness, when he sadly and insanely talks about politics.


Michael Richards was ...one of the best known and beloved comic performers. Till the nite he ranted racist. So it proves that sometimes you should hold your tongue, when the things you believe, are kinda... askew.

(BTW we could not even listen to this whole clip, it was so mentally deranged -and a rant of delusional lunacy. We got as far as 4:50 and just had to click out. Thinking... BILL, you kool-aid infected idealogue, get thee to a therapist. For your own sake as well as the nation's.)...

As fairytale teller KJP would say... We wanna be really clear on this topic:

Any adult human being, who will actually take with earnest receptivity, ANYTHING --the doddering Biden clone (or Janet Yellen, or Klaus Schwab, or Christopher Wray, or Merrick Garland, or Liz Cheney, or Kamala Harris, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chris Cuomo, or Anderson Cooper, or Andrew Cuomo, or Kathy Hochul, or the porpoises on THE VIEW) -is uttering, really does- need mental help...

'Democracy' dies in stupidity, naivete and gullibility. Like believing 9/11 was enacted by 19 hijackers. Yeah, right. And like believing there is no Illuminati, nor a world takeover agenda being (pretty effectively) deployed by them, as we speak (and thru numerous recent decades).

Here's how serious a mind, grounded in common sense, Bill Maher has-- TODAY. He recently did a one on one podcast with musician Kid Rock. And opened the conversation by remarking-- This might surprise you but I do like your music more than you might have guessed. -- Kid Rock replied?... Yeah-- this is a surprise..... And Bill believed this to be sufficiently engaging casual chat, that in the editing room he did not think- Oh gosh that's stupid. Edit that out. (Next stop? Perhaps- Bill's compilation of fave video clips showing cats chasing lasers?).

Sadly, this is .... Bill Maher. Today.

Maybe he's smoked just a tiny bit too much weed... over the years.

= = = =

DORE AND KURT ROAST MAHER - (do hear this - important) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_roOHYEegU


