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By from net, Posted in Economy-(Global)



In their determined effort to destroy all NORMALCY as we knew it, and place all of humanity under a tyranny totalitarian (techno-grid controlled) GLOBAL POLICE STATE...

... The NWO ("the powers that be") are hellbent on destroying all civilized society as we knew it ---ALONG SEVERAL FRONTS OF ATTACK.... A particular major one is ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION.

The covid psyop was the opening salvo of that attack, shutting down MOST businesses worldwide (forcing many into collapse) via the absurd and useless lockdowns (Remember covid is NOT an in the air contagious virus. It is an INJECTED illness given thru forms of injection. Flu shots,. PCR swab sticks. Added to local water supplies. etc).



THE LOCKDOWNS were to crash the medium and small business layers of economy and pretty much have AMAZON / GRUB HUB types --take over the entire consumer economy (centralized power).

ADDITIONAL economic assaults are being made via ---contrived inflation, contrived war on the oil industry, contrived supply-chain breakdowns/shortages.

It's not a worldwide "recession" that's on it's way to you. It's a worldwide SEVERE DEPRESSION. Way worse than what gripped the USA in 1929, and lasted for years. What's coming at you is a devastating economic DEPRESSION. Designed and implemented by the NWO.... Get ready!.... The current inflation unpleasantness is gonna get a lot worse month by month.... [DID YOU HEAR btw? In UK ---home energy prices are gonna go up A FURTHER 40% -this winter... It's global. Its going to be happening everywhere.]




The aims are twofold: To CRASH the economies of all UN member nations. Then to introduce a one-world currency system that is digital only, You will no longer be "free". Your whole life 24/7 will be (techno) CONTROLLED. No physical cash you can hold in your hand. And use of your money card will be tied to your social credit score. Also to a contrived GREEN AGENDA. Bought 'too much' beef this month? Your card shuts off on beef purchases for rest of the month. Watching movies on Netflix critical of the government? Your travel privileges get cut. And so on. FREEDOM will be an outdated notion,. Your life will be fully CONTROLLED, by the global ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. You will only see "approved" news. All else will be censored. Blocked. There will be no dissent allowed from any OFFICIAL (propaganda) narrative. Media will be TOTALLY, controlled.


TOTAL (and tyrannical) POPULATION CONTROL... is the aim.

You are in a war being waged upon all mankind.... Whether your realize it as such or not... It's happening.
