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We hate to have to agree with AOC but she said it months ago... JOBS NUMBERS are lying to you

By from net, Posted in Economy USA


Because what they represent is the fact besieged Americans now have to have 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet. The economy is anything but... strong.

Also, call us crime-theorists if you want but we suspect these stats are to some extent of lying... FAKE numbers. Because reality on the ground does not comport with these stat claims.

Gov't faking states is as common --as Ms. Minaj rapping.

= = = =

BTW, the phrase CRIME THEORISTS is a much more useful in discourse. It de-taints the idea of investigation.... Try this, every time you hear or are tempted to voice the phrase - CONSPRIACY THEORIST, replace it in your mind and/or your articulation with the phrase CRIME THEORIST(S)

Because, isn't speculating who did a crime-- "CRIME THEORY"--- when there's an obvious crime that's in our face?