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Demonic "SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE" -- The unholy alliance between big government and woke corporations is growing and it could not be more concerning.

By from net, Posted in Communications / Censorship / Freedom

Special message


The latest and most dangerous attempt to undermine our market and force a woke agenda on America is called the Environmental, Social, And Governance Movement (ESG).

ESG rules are a dangerous form of red-tape regulation. Left-wing activists want to impose government ESG rules as a way to assert control over Wall Street and Main Street businesses.

ESG has been commonly described by the Left as criteria for making investment decisions to "aid environmental or social causes you care about." But really, they only want it to benefit causes THEY care about.

ESG is essentially a social credit score for businesses that would favor radical, liberal beliefs and PUNISH pro-American, traditional values. END ESG NOW >>

How will the Left punish companies with ESG? With a low ESG score, companies may not qualify for loans or investments. The Left will use cancel-culture tactics to pressure other companies to cut business ties. Government contracts will only go to the "right" companies with the "right" ESG scores. The Left will deplatform companies from needed services-like banking, advertising, and internet services.

Who does ESG hurt? Everyone! Customers, employees, small businesses, big businesses, investors, and anyone with a retirement account will suffer under an ESG regime. We've seen what socialist control of businesses looks like in China, Venezuela, the USSR-it's not good!

What kind of companies would be punished under ESG? American oil and gas companies. Companies that don't pledge to go 100% green. Companies that fail to mandate CRT trainings for employees. Companies that don't push "woke" gender ideology. The list goes on and on...

And it's a BIG DEAL! Once you cross the Left, they will use ESG to target you.

As I wrote in my latest op-ed, Elon Musk found this out the hard way. After his public stance on free speech and efforts to purchase Twitter, his "electric cars, solar, and clean energy" company was excluded from the ESG index.

ESG is infecting every level of government and finance: last May, Biden's pick to lead banking regulation said "the way we basically get rid of those carbon financiers is we starve them of their sources of capital." This is the heart of ESG - financially starving any companies who aren't in line with the progressive ideology.

We've already watched as this administration has shuttered pipelines, denied permits, and cut off development-bank financing for oil and gas - all in line with the so-called ESG agenda.

At Heritage Action, we're working to fight back and prevent the spread of ESG rules and regulations. Through education, activism, and legislation, we can fight ESG, just like we did CRT (Critical Race Theory). But we need your support to raise awareness and STOP ESG!

Will you join with other smart people by signing the petition to END ESG now?


ESG policies are nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to radically transform corporations into social justice warriors and exclude conservatives from competing in our economy.

We cannot allow this to continue.

Make your voice heard by signing your name now.

Thank you in advance.

Jessica Anderson

Heritage Action - Executive Director