Daretoreadit.com - Raw Truth News

The NWO are soooooooo out to "get you" into their sheeple net and ENSLAVE you under a O-W-G. Don't take it lightly...

By from net, Posted in Communications / Censorship / Freedom

Goldman Sachs Teams Up with Google's 'Director of Regime Change' to Influence Global Politics


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ORWELLIAN FILTH ON PARADE -- Senator Hawley Grills Biden DHS Official On Disinformation Governance Board



OMG she is steeped in, saturated in, NWO corruption, starting with Georgetown U, and going thru every 'job' she has had since. This is WHERE EVIL EMANATES, from sociapathic NWO operatives like this amoral human garbage. THIS ONE OF THE FACES OF TRUE EVIL.

She's a Zio-NWO saboteur, who was recruited at Georgetown into the NWO (or before) which is how she got into a slew of important government roles--RIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE wet behind the ears. She's deeep state evil. In a Vanity Fair fashion package.