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By from net, Posted in Conscience & Courage

Dear Gerald:

Hi and all good wishes!

MORE DETAILED INTRODUCTION.... We are a team of ppl. Most often you hear from the team leader. But there is a TEAM. I'm part of the team. A major part. Which is why I am the voice of today's letter. The purpose of which is follow up. Follow up to team leaders drafted comments that the NATION DESPERATELY NEEDS a new news site and with it also- a totally unbiased credible download of a nitely newscast.

Dunno if you have followed up on our letter about this concern-- with phone calls and chats with various others, but we hope yes. Because you are a public person with a totally honorable and credible character. We did send the same letter to notable various others. Alex, Glenn Beck, Jimmy Dore, Andrew Nap, Max Blumenthal, Naomi Wolf, Megyn Kelly. And several more. One person we do not have a snail mail address on tho, so could not mail it to- is Clayton Morris. Perhaps you will do the courtesy of contacting him, getting a snail mail address for him, print out the letter, and snail mail it to him. (the letter copy is posted at /77868 .. You can lift it from there.)

We hope and trust you understand and appreciate why WE the team that we are, doing the altruistic work that we do, MUST remain in the shadows. Must not be visible. Must not make phone calls or send emails or texts. We must stay off all digital forms of communication so we do not get tagged and traced/monitored by the bad guys. It's for our safety. We wish it were otherwise because we'd much like to pick up the phone and chat with you. But, not a good idea.

Back to Clayton Morris of 'Redacted' podcast on youtube. HE, we think, might be a good one to anchor a nitely newscast on a new news site. (him alone without his wife). He has a pleasant face and pleasant manner, and is an experienced mainstream anchor. WHICH IS WHAT IS NEEDED (he needs a vacation tho, he's getting bags under his eyes. Tell him that!). Like... AJ is great for what he does but let's be honest, he does not look like an anchor, has a raspy voice, and he rants. So not the right guy for the nightly news. Tucker is good for interviews but not as a news anchor. Plus he is very deficient in deep dive homework and still thinks the NWO is a conspiracy theory. He's important but still substantially naive.

Here's what we'd like to get back from you. A SIGNAL on your Twitter account, that you are receiving our mail safely. AND that you either fully agree with what we declare about a new news site needed. Or do not agree. PLS post something on Twitter with you wearing a Purple shirt (no tie) if you agree (medium to dark purple). Pls post something with you wearing a dark green or maroon shirt if you are getting our mail but either do not agree on the news site suggestion, or have a revised idea on that. Dark green if you disagree. Maroon if have a revised alternative idea.

All the best... Fellow Concerned Citizens.
