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USA's MSM has been full of BS from Day One -- UKR is not winning against RUSS, they are getting routed. AS THEY SHOULD BE.

By from net, Posted in Nat'l-Defense / Military


People, USA's MSM media is telling you NOTHING BUT LIES about the whole entire UKR situation. Abject lies. Nothing they say about it is true.




Here's a fact to chew on and digest.. DONBAS is not part of "Ukraine" and HAS NOT BEEN since 2014. It is not some "contested" region of Ukraine. That's nonsense. IT SEPARATED from UKR eight years ago. And Russia was called in this year to help stop the assaults upon Donbas by UKR military. Let us repeat so it sinks in... DONBAS IS A SEPARATE SOVEREIGN region, and those in USA emo supporting Zelensky regime, and simply supporting horrible military assaults upon the innocents in Donabs. Donbas is NOT part of UKR. The region left UKR, separated from the UKR eight freaking years ago. If you follow and believe USA msm you don't have a clue of the reality in this situation. Russia is not waging war upon Ukraine. Ukraine is waging war upon Donbas, and Russia stepped into to defend them. THIS IS THE FACT. And thankfully Russia's protection of Donbas is prevailing.


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MEANWHILE... those stupid stupid suicidal "sanctions" the US rolled out and conned all of NATO to roll out... are causing literal starvation in the NATO nations. Brilliant, huh?

EU NEWS -- 1 in 6 Germans skipping meals to save money - [poll]

Another 13% fear having to endure occasional hunger as the cost of food increases, the survey found

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Think the same kind of pain is not already gathering in USA? Thing again.

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Joe Biden Admits to Elite Donors: 'We're Gonna Live with This Inflation for a While'

(Translation? The plan of the NWO is to bankrupt and starve American households till the economy and the will of America crashes so badly the NWO can openly declare currency rest to digital only one world currency, and openly declare the UN as one world government. The UKR war is being used as an excuse to conduct economic destruction of USA... And Americans today by and large are so stupid they will just accept and watch this destruction without demonstrating or pushing back. And some story will be concocted before November so the NWO/DEMS can steal an election again. Don't worry the GOP will not be allowed to win)


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ANDDDD while your wallet is being ravaged, guess who's making MAJOR MONEY off the USA backing of the evil UKR mess?


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