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Psychos in DC imperil your life by defacto beginning a global MILITARY ww3.. and moving to crash the economy

By from net, Posted in Family Life & Home

(this posting is updated daily)
(this posting is updated daily)
(this posting is updated daily)





Poland hands over all of its Mikoyan MiG-29 jet fighters to Ukraine via United States




Next is Fake propaganda, scroll down and know that is part of the endless FAKED PROPGANDA msm streaming..


Russia will disconnect from global internet dependence on 3/11


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In less than 2 weeks time the NWO Illuminati have taken the world from obsessive COVID JABBING to --global WW3 hot-war, and econ implosion.... Quick work, eh?



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Worse than that they are intentionally collapsing the global economy


(Here's more PROOF btw that Joe Gump Biden is just a tool for the evil NWO. Pushing electric cars at a time like this?? Geesh! No shame. Total psychos.


Carlson explains what's happening to you, America, FALSELY in the name of UKR-assist


THE FIVE -- begin at :40 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILDrVdAd3qI

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Do you get it yet how you've been played like a fiddle with 13 days of emo propaganda?


USA and NATO (The NWO capos) baited Russia into an invasion. Then are using the consequences of that invasion to justify a hot global military war and a crash of the global economy. Because oh all this must be done for the poor Ukrainians. MILITARY WW3 and GLOBAL ECON collapse are the new COVID SHOT, the poison you must take because [Oh the Covid], Oh the Ukrainians. The world has been set up for chaos and ruin of human society worldwide... by the NWO... and played they played the global TV audience like a fiddle with emo propaganda manipulations. DO YOU GET IT YET? Your life is gonna be ruined, your world is gonna be ruined because you bought into the UKR psyop of manipulation. Fell for it hook line and sinker. Do you get it..... YETTT? How you were emo-played to support the satanic things "they" are doing right now in Washington DC. Do you see the chess game YET? Do you understand what they did and why? And how they used and abused your emotions so as to have you support their moves that will KILL human society as we knew it. After the global econ crash they are right now engineering "they" will declare that to pick up the pieces of wrecked human society worldwide --we need a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and a ONE WORLD CURRENCY, and to move around and live everyone must have a GLOBAL ID which is also social credit system and record of mandatory jabs. DO YOU ...GET.... IT...... YET????? DO YOU?....get the picture....understand the manipulations..... YET???