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Colin P-- lights out...Hmmm, how was COLIN POWELL stupid enough to take the JAB? Sounds fishy. he was an "insider"

By from net, Posted in Celebrities (all sorts)

So he's reported dead this morning at age 84. Allegedly was jabbed but got covid (from the jab) and died? Very weird 'official' story. INSIDERS are supposed to be getting placebo not the clotshot death jab. Maybe in his old age he was about to leak some illuminati secrets and they offed him. Because the official story is weird as heck. MSM is bandying about that he died from the Protein 19 illness, (which is given BY the jab).. And MSM is also voicing the claim he was clotshot jabbed. Why would wicked msm do this? Does not make sense. Who knows the real 411! But story sounds ultra weird, does it not?

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Dr. Robert Redfield just told FNC that at least 40% of the "the recent deaths" in the state of Maryland were among people who took not just one but TWO rounds of the clot-shot death-jab. It doesn't take a genius to deduce --the JAB is a death-shot, killing ppl, not "protecting" them.