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NWO's evil GEOENGINEERING -- Portland And Seattle + Vancouver -Break Records For Hottest Days Ever As Heatwave Scorches The Northwest... another mass murder project

By from net, Posted in Ecology / Environment


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MORE NEWS -- Developing -- Dystopian chaos in VANCOUVER CAN.

With geoengineered extreme heat, the NWO is frying ppl to death in the pacific northwest

REPORT AND LINKS -- https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4830584/pg1

Vancouverites Dying of the Heat -

It's worse than you can imagine. Right now the Vancouver Police Department has had to call all off-duty officers in as the number of people checking on their loved ones and finding them dead of the heat is staggering.

The Emergency services are so backed up that the ambulance will not come at all even assuming the person can get through on 911 where they are not answering and putting people on hold for 20 minutes or more.

Epic failure of basic infrastructure.

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