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Bulletin -- TWO LARGE building towers blown up in Miami metro by HAARP weaponry-- smells like NWO/SERCO drama- aiming to intimidate DeSantis AND Trump

By from net, Posted in Events (notable - upcoming or past)


updated info -- William Mount reports -- proves it was special ops warfare


begin at 4:40 -- https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2021/06/was-south-florida-attacked-inspector-on-the-roof-yesterday-false-flag-real-collapse-footage-2522040.html

more proof its a deepstate psyop


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REPORTED: 9 fatalities, 150 missing

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On Friday, June 25, Charlie Kirk tweeted about his conversations with multiple architects who say the building towers did not 'collapse' they were TAKEN DOWN.

"I have spoken to several architects who believe the event in Surfside was not an act of nature. Many say this was 'domestic terrorism,'" he wrote.