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Wait a minute wait a minute wait just a minute, we see that guy behind the curtain. His name is NWO.

By from net, Posted in Conscience & Courage

South Korea: 7,513, Italy: 9,172, Iran: 8,042, USA: 761 (fake official number), France: 1,412, Germany: 1,151, Spain: 1,641

Weeks ago we were trying to wake up the public to what seemed by all accounts a catastrophic threat. Now we feel like we wanna calm you down in the face of a whipped up hysteria that has--- fast fast fast ---followed... just a minor spike of "confirmed" cases.

In a nation of 330 mil, 761 is close to and almost equivalent -to zero. So in the face of 761 cases, now some people have their hair on fire calling for lockdown of the whole nation. We THUS smell a rapidly whipped up and way exaggerated false hysteria that sounds like a psyop -aimed at testing people's reactions to regional and national LOCKDOWNS. Very strange, very weird.

And how did ITALY become such a runaway outbreak? And what about the global timeline? China began a serious lockdown quarantine of its infected areas on 1/23/2020. The no-symptoms stealth phase of the infection is supposed to be 5-14 days.

WHERE DID PPL in Italy and USA get the plague virus from, --two weeks ago? Now the whole OFFICIAL narrative worldwide is falling apart and revealing some global psyop which all affected nations (but Iran) are seemingly complicit with (and note, all affected nations except Iran, are financially controlled by ROTHSCHILD CENTRAL BAKING SYSTEMS. Yeah the Rothschilds thus own and control the government of each, except Iran). This is a Rothschild-NWO project. OBVIOUSLY. We smell a big fat rat. Its called THE NWO.

Ranting headlines like this:

"New analysis reveals President Trump must lock down the USA just like Italy in order to break the chain of exponential spread of the coronavirus... all air traffic and road traffic must be halted"

---Seem obtusely histrionic to us. BECAUSE NOTHING ABOUT THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE suggests the "escalation" in volume of USA infections is mostly or alllll about --COMMUNITY SPREAD. In fact the OFFICIAL DATA suggest the spread has something to do with 5G towers BECAUSE the locations where infections are showing up are mostly random and not link-able to travel. Let's all calm down and think. THE BIG QUESTION is, is this a psyop or not? The answer is obviously- Yessss! Which doesn't necessarily mean its all fake, people are really ill and some dying, But its quite apparent (by now) its an NWO psyop ---which means truth is horrendously diluted in a bucket of lies. And what's being done here clearly is TESTING. Testing gradual induction of panic, resisted at first by msm, then rapidly and heavily promoted by msm. Its a test of msm social control over PANIC, for one thing. And secondly--- its a obviously a test of: totalitarianism. The test being-- IF GIVEN AN EXCUSE THAT PPL BELIEVE-- do they resist totalitarian removal of all personal freedom, or not? (Its the Patriot Act on Steroids, the Patriot Act 2.0)...

There is a big big big big rat behind the scenes here. The NWO Rothschild Cartel. Because their well-known lust for a one world government with insane control over its "subjects" is the only thing benefiting from this psyop. CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL ... The NWO are Testing --Insane degrees of control over a mass populace. That's what this psyop is alll about.