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John McCain unmasked - his "glory" based on lies. AND THE VIETNAM WAR was based on LIES. USA soldiers were in immoral deployment. "Praise McCain" psyop is 100% fraudulent.

By from net, Posted in Celebrities (all sorts)




For Whatever good points Meghan McCain may have (and we do not know her personally) she sure lacks for doing homework and knowing about national affairs. Her father, heinous deepstate war monger and advocate for immoral illegal wars, was also a constitutional opponent. He sponsored the wicked NDAA law, and he personally was a key participant in creating ISIS as front Proxy for GLADIO/CIA/Mossad in attacking the Syrian regime. If Meghan knew all that, unlikely she would be so passionately acting like her dad was a great American.


John "SONGBIRD" McCain was a 'rat' or 'stoolie' telling on other U.S. officers being held captive at the Hanoi Hilton prison. When McCain first went to congress, members of congress turned their backs on him and did not communicate with him because of this, and also how he disgraced the military and his fellow officers who were severely punished by the North Vietnam guards and commanders of the Communist prison by McCain ratting them out. McCain was referred to as 'the canary' by the other officers for telling or squealing on the others. If you search the internet you will find some of these articles about what McCain did to his fellow officers in captivity and the stories of the other brave officers who reported on McCain upon returning to the United States. He was also given special treatment by the communists while in prison, because his father was a 4 star Admiral.



But that's just the early parts of a sad story. Thru the rest of his adult life John McCain was an enemy of 'the public good' WORLDWIDE, and of the USA constitution. A wicked and devious traitor hiding behind a fake story of war heroism. But ill informed GOP-ers & LEFTIES alike are buying into the tongue baths for John McCain because they like the story of him being a detention camp victim. But that begs the question be asked, were the US military personnel who attacked Vietnam, VICTIMS when detained? Were they responsible for knowing the Vietnam War was immoral and they should have refused deployment at all costs? Should US "fighters" in Vietnam be absolved of knowing how immoral and unjustified the war was, just because the corrupt US government told them to go? McCain's controversy begs the question, do soldiers have a duty first and foremost to know what they are fighting for? To know whether their deployment is conscionable or unconscionable? The entire Vietnam war was 100% unconscionable.

Nobody thinks torture is a good idea, nobody wants it to happen anywhere. But to discuss the Vietnam War story, one must use the big picture. From the Vietnamese perspective, the US forces there were unconscionable murderous invaders upon their country. And by the way the US military effort there failed and the nation reunited its two broken halves. So the Vietnam War was an atrocity from any perspective.


Informed citizens refused to show undue sympathy Saturday for Meghan McCain who gave a sobbing eulogy for her late father, Sen. John McCain. Many went online calling her "trashy" for using the podium to vent anti-Trump rhetoric.

During her obtusely misplaced rant of praise for her deceased father - Meghan took several not-too-veiled digs at Trump, including an applause-inducing, "The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great."

Unwilling to cut her undeserved slack, many went online to upbraid the senator's daughter. One citizen tweeted, "She came across as very bitter, angry, and classless. I was embarrassed for her. Sad!"


FAKE NEWS MSM in glorifying immoral John McCain obviously finds him more useful in death than alive. If anyone should be disgraced and ashamed its the fake fake fake FAKE news 'media' -and the lying pols seeking DeepState approval.

Can't blame Meghan that much. She's just dumb, and she's her father's kid. She's gonna be emo at the expense of fact rather easily. But pols and media, no excuse for their lying wickedness, to portray an evil war promoter, as a great American. There was nothing great about John McCain except how easily he lied and posed.

He was a crisis actor in the senate, for 30 years.