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"NEINFELD" -- The RussiaRussia rant is just an ongoing FAKE NEWS propganda show about ... NOTHING

By from net, Posted in Conscience & Courage

THE FOLLOWING was an actual 'news' story on Breitbart.com Friday. We're scratching our heads wondering why? The DEM clown's quote cites the following evidence of "collusion": .... Exactly..... NOTHING

HERE's the "story" as it appeared on BREITBART. We read it and were like.... WHAT????


Dem Rep Garamendi: I Think Mueller Will Find Proof Trump Camp Worked with Russians to

On Friday's edition of CNN's "The Lead," Representative John Garamendi (D-CA) stated that while there isn't clear evidence yet, "I think we're going to find the proof" that the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to influence the election, "and I think the man that'll find proof is Mueller."

Garamendi said, "[W]e're finding more and more information every day that the Trump campaign is being closer and closer [accused] of being in a collusion with the Russians to influence the outcome of the election. Now, the evidence isn't exactly clear yet. But I must tell you, it is one thing after another, and it's coming to the point where, yeah, there is collusion."


That's like a fruit stand saying to you......... "Yes we have no bananas, we have no bananas today. We had none yesterday or the day before, or the week or month before or the entire year before. But somehow we FEEL... soon we are going to have.... Bananas!"


Really? Certain you will have them... based on what?
