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FALSE FLAG ALERT -- The NWO plan to attempt staging ANOTHER FAKE 'shooter' psyop FIRST WEEKEND in DEC -- West Coast

By from net, Posted in Commentary

ALERT MEMO -- Here is what multiple intel sources now say about the early DECEMBER fearporn FAKE SHOOTER plan... The psyop is reportedly set to transact DEC 2nd at a major chain-owned LOS ANGELES "downtown hotel". Again as we keep repeating it will NOT be a real event but another of these "hyper realistic" drills, presented thru MSM "as if" it is a real event occurring. The plot is for it to transpire INSIDE the hotel at a convention room for some kind of conference of ppl who design multi aspect media systems (or something of similar like, we do not have an exact name of the conference group). The planned number of FAKE VICTIMS (crisis actors) intended to be "impacted" will be in the dozens, to perhaps over a hundred.


WE HERE do not have specific contacts who can intercede to PRECLUDE this plot from transacting and thus we are hoping one or more than one person reading these postings has some covert pull to have countervailing operatives preclude the plot from transacting. Intel sources tell us it is VERY IMPORTANT this specific plan be thwarted, or the loss of ground to the gun grab advocates could be pivotally significant and irreversible. Good wishes and Good luck.