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Google's racist hiring policy gets called out by internal memo. Predicatbly lefities go stark raving emo

By from net, Posted in Employment / Careers

A Google software engineer's written commentary criticizing the company's racist employment policy has gone viral, prompting a verbal fracas among the nation's political "tribes".

The document, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," details his opinion that the firm should focus more on ideological diversity and less on their obviously racist and sexist initiatives to hire more women and people of color. It takes Google to task for its "left bias" and argues the disparity between men and women in tech is not a result of sexism but of biological inclinations.

The 10-page memo was shared within several internal company employee groups and prompted a flood of responses. Its existence was first reported by Motherboard, and Gizmodo obtained the entire document and published it in full on Saturday.

Men are more likely to value "things" whereas women value "people" and have more openness to "feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas," according to the memo. Men, by contrast, have a "higher drive for status".

Google should focus more on "psychological safety," he writes, instead of race and gender diversity.

The unidentified author's comments include that: "We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism."

(portions of this item FOX NEWS)

