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WAR CRIME ATROCITY COMMITED BY USA IN SYRIA - 43 civilians killed by illegal US bombing

By from net, Posted in Law and Legal Matters


US military planes have no legal right to be in the skies over Syria, let alone BOMBING any positions on the ground. THESE ACTS ARE GLOBAL WAR CRIMES being committed by the USA: Was the USA invited into Syria? No. Did the UN pass a resolution sending US forces into Syria? No so we are committing acts of war against that nation. Plain and simple We are illegal war aggressors / war criminals in SYRIA. We have no business being there. WE HAVE INVADED THAT COUNTRY. Illegally. But also ask, why is the UN not stopping us, forcing us out? BECAUSE the UN does not really exist to STOP WARS; its a globalism hoax. The UN is run by the Rothschild NWO Cartel, as a propagandist deception. If the UN can stop wars, why doesn't it?