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CONFIRMED - Rothschild NWO Cartel (with help of CFR & AIPAC) is using IVANKA AND JARED to sideline Bannon and derail Donald's judgment on world affairs

By from net, Posted in Top Serious

REPORTEDLY - Trump's irrationality in going along with the NWO's false flag SYRIA PSYOP script was abetted by his naive daughter with whom he is emotionally infatuated. So IVANKA got him to kill people with missiles, without even checking out carefully the accusation against Assad? Really? Come on folks there's much more to this story than that...Sure she was involved but connect the dots ppl... She and Jared are AIPAC infiltrators.

http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/press-briefing-Sean-Spicer-White-House/2017/04/10/id/783663/ (and his gross naivete to invest world affairs trust in Jared/Ivanka/McMaster/Powell)...


President Ivanka?


NOTE - no less than 8 of the ppl in this photo are Zio-NWO-Rothschild/CFR connected globalist war hawks. WHAT HAPPENED TO DRAIN THE SWAMP? Goldman-Sachs and CFR ---ARE-- the swamp. And they ARE ...the NWO.



Oh, wait now, what you say??? So outing Kushner & Ivanka as AIPAC agents is "anti semitic"?-- LOL yeah right...

The silly attempt to counterspin the outing of THE FACT that Kushner & Ivanka are NWO/AIPAC/Mossad infiltrators into the Trump regime..
