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Another political scam foisted upon you - "Nuclear Option" was not necessary to confirm Gorsuch. GOP should have just waited out the flibuster.

By from net, Posted in Commentary


Changing the rules to lower the bar for confirming nominee simply WEAKENS the constitutional concept of balance of branches' power. And it was unnecessary. the DEMS could not have talked forever. It coudl easily have been waited out. All the propaganda about NUKE OPTION necessary is a lie. THE CFR/NWO rigged this game so that in all future presidencies, president in power has more sway than Congress. This was an evil move and a total political scam. BOTH PARTIES were involved in effecting this dirty scam.


Also note- the proposed RULES CHANGE could have been filibustered against. WHY DID THE DEMS NOT DO THAT? Simple answer- it was a political scam with both parties involved.