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IMPEACH & INDICT the FBI DIRECTOR - he's part of Orlando terror plot

By from various sources, Posted in Law and Legal Matters


Everything having to do with the "official" story of ORLANDO GAY CLUB ((faux)) EVENT..is a lie. Repeat EVERYTHING..is a lie. Its a fabricated hoax to wage war on the second amendment thru politicization of irrational fear and emotional hysteria. ORLANDO WEEKEND is a hoax. Both Christina Friday and gay club SAT..both are psyop Hoaxes. And for the FBI to spinning this nonsense to keep trying to make the GAY CLUB false drama seem REAL, shows the FBI and most specifically director JAMES COMEY are engaging in treason and active conspiracy for committing domestic terrorism. The terror source of the Orlando weekend IS THE GOVERNMENT of the US (in tandem with Mossad and Mi6). Same as was the case in 9/11. ORLANDO is an intel agency staged psyop drama of false flag lies and deception. COMEY SHOULD immediately be impeached and indicted for treason. Because he's really working for LONDON and the Rothschild Cartel. That is the ultimate source behind all events of the phony war on terror. And all the mass shooter hoaxes. Comey used to be an executive with Rothschild Cartel (filth criminal money-laundering) bank- HSBC ("know them by where they've been and who they get in bed with"). And was also an executive with wicked weapons dealer company Lockheed Martin. Comey is dirtier than a pig, but covers it with his unassuming smile and smooth talk. He's an evil duplicitous criminal. As the Orlando fake drama... is obviating.