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Military contractor SERCO played MAJOR role-- in the 9/11 false flag terror

By from net, Posted in Other

Military contractor SERCO played MAJOR role in the 9/11 false flag terror. It technically sabotaged Boeing planes, sabotaged US air traffic control, and designed the drills going on that day which confused the military. NORAD, and air force so they could not respond quickly

FIELD AND DAVID at 'abeldanger' website have busted who script-wrote and orchestrated operations of the 9/11 drama...Very big breakthru. FIELD is a true American, a true Christian, an info hero...and a truth crusader....Very very fine American. Especially in a world today where so few care about their fellow man. He could just live his life and not bother doing this work. The fact he does shows he is a GENUINE Christian, not a church going fake. Likewise kudos to his associate David. HERE's THE DRAMATIC AND HORRIFYING INFO---






