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NYC--A secret war going on between the socialist new mayor & the NYPD

By from confidential source, Posted in Police-&-Firefighting

High ranking NYPD officer tells us confidentially -----"Throughout the large number of people who make up the New York City police force, the feeling of dislike pervasive toward the new mayor BILL DiBLASIO is so intense it can truly be called LOATHING. This guy from day one day one has been doing eveyinghtin possible to harm, undercut, de-power, make vulnerable, stress and strain, and impinge the functions of...law enforcement and policing in the city. He is contemptuous toward the NYPD, grossly disrespectful; his reassignments and formations of police guidelines are damaging the city and making protection of the city harder. He is seriously damaging the city, the NYPD, the image of the NYPD, and the department's relations with the public. Police in the city truly loathe this guy and for good valid reasons. Reasons the public should see and wake up to. This guy is tied at the hip to the white House and their ideologue rants and attempts to stir up social trouble. And everybody on the inside of city departments knows it."