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By from confidential sources, Posted in Recession / Depression

ACUTELY DISTURBING data comes to light that we are going to tell you about now, but which NO OTHER NEWS MEDIA has been able to access and publicize. It has to do with the collapsing USA economy. As you know yourself from daily life all around you THERE IS NO ECONOMIC RECOVERY going on. 'Recovery' is a hyped fiction. A propaganda line told by Washington to keep the public from panicking. A lie told and buttressed with falsified numbers. But the fact is--- there is NO RECOVERY at all going on in the broad national economy. Brace yourself now, here comes the big shock......

THE ECONOMY HAS CONTACTED WAY WORSE than even the most dismal cynics have guessed.

And what we are going to tell you now is an index of how badly the USA economy has collapsed already.

IN THE NON ESSENTIAL SPENDING sector, and that means non-necessities, ranging from small purchases like ice cream up to various other products and services..in the aspects of NON ESSENTIAL "pleasure purchase spending"..the USA economy has contacted since 2008 by


Read that again..... 67% contraction ..........in the product and services realms of "non essential pleasure spending".

Sure there are areas here and there where the spending is decent or even great but those are exceptions. What we are spotlighting in this report is an OVERALL number index based on the BROAD NATIONAL LARGE economy...and in terms of NON ESSENTIAL "pleasure purchases" in that broad economy, there has been a 67% contraction since 2008

This figure is an average of THREE DIFFERENT surveys taken over the past 10 months...The results of which have not been published in media - before this report, right now.

MORE AND RELATED: --- http://www.infowars.com/its-coming-we-are-seeing-a-very-material-slow-down-across-the-economy/
