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EXPOSED - One of world's most dramatic "events" (JFK Assassination) was a staged hoax. Was FAKE NEWS

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

PROOF IS ROCK SOLID -- JFK WAS NOT KILLED IN DEALEY PLAZA - Dealey "ASSASSINATION" drama was a staged psyop hoax. Operationally the project was a conspiracy involving military psychological warfare operations, the CIA, FBI, the Mafia, Mossad, the Rothschild FedRes Bank, and key agencies/publications/networks of the "mainstream media'.

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(WASHINGTON) --- "The shots heard round the world!" -- In November 1963, the event known as the Kennedy ASSASSINATION became an emotional shock which whapped around the world in minutes, and put an entire generation into a state of grief and sadness. But even more shocking than that is what we have to tell you now.... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. President John F Kennedy was NOT assassinated in Dealey Place Dallas on November 22 1963. It was a "Mission Impossible" style staged deception(*). What's called in intel language "a psyop", a manipulative propaganda staged fake event. NOBODY WAS SHOT IN DEALEY PLAZA DALLAS TEXAS THAT DAY, and most especially NOT President JF Kennedy.

So what happened to him? Was he killed elsewhere? Transferred somewhere and given a new identity? Where did he go? We can't tell you that at the moment because we don't know. The disappearance of JFK is the next big mystery opened up by the expose. But we can say with absolute certitude that JFK was NOT 'assassinated' in Dealey Plaza that day. And the unequivocal proof this is so-- comes from multiple inputs INCLUDING the film which supposedly proved HE WAS SHOT, the infamous Zapruder film. Today's hi tech photo analysis capabilities have allowed researches to cull many facts from the Zapruder film which were not easily discernable years ago. Better technology plus the simple fact of more copious examination has yielded one absolute startling fact: THE ZAPRUDER FILM was not made ON THAT DAY. It was a pre-filmed fake-staging, like the filming of a Hollywood movie scene. And it was not only pre-filmed, it was filmed AT LEAST three times. There were at least three 'takes' filmed of the same scene (who knows, maybe more). Proof that there were at least three TAKES, comes from multiple facts. In this next up video --researcher Jack White explains that by comparing different photographic "evidence" of the he event, meaning Zapruder film plus other Dealey location photography, he was able to see anomalies- including wardrobe changes of bystanders, which indicate AT LEAST THREE PHOTOGRAPHIC 'versions' of the event were created.

(For shorter hearing begin at 2:15) -- https://youtu.be/3_xjLwacXdI

MORE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaixHfk0cVo





Furthermore, careful examination of the Zapruder film itself shows that bystanders to the left as the film begins, were subject to an edit splice in the film- in the opening moments, and just after that edit (which took out less than a second of time) one of the bystanders had their legs in a different posture. THIS MEANS MORE THAN ONE VERSION OF THE SCENE WAS FILMED. Also, bystanders on the far side of the roadway were disproportionate in height as to what they should be if in context of an integral non-altered film.


These and numerous other facts PROVE forensically that the so called ZAPRUDER FILM was a staged theatric, filmed IN ADVANCE before the day of November 22, 1963. Were the ppl in it ACTUALLY JFK, Jackie, John and Nellie? Or were they lookalikes? Unknown. Did JFK cooperate with this filmed deception or no? Unknown. Did Jackie, Nellie, and John? Yes, they had to have been "in on" the deception, because they played dutiful PSYOP deception roles AFTER Dealey, from then onward. Jackie, Nellie and John HAD to know JFK was not "shot" in Dealey. As did LBJ. Plus, many noted members of the press were IN ON the deception, because it is impossible they got news of the DEALEY motorcade "drama" fast enough to be at the hospital when the limo arrived. They had to have been SCHEDULED to be there as the limo arrived. Additionally, Dan Rather's 1963 description of the Zapruder film is ludicrous and inaccurate.


WHAT IF JFK DALLAS WAS AN EVIL HOAX? (speculation of one theory)


NEXT VIDEO: - And only CRISIS ACTOR parents would take their very young kids to be TV stars in a long interview, after all the family just witnessed a vicious murder... INSTEAD of taking their poor traumatized youngsters home for emotional and physical protection. Note that the young kids are not crying or seeming traumatized in any way, in fact all four NEWMANS seem remarkably calm for just having seen the POTUS gunned down barbarically, a few yards from them, and hearing bullets whiz over their heads. This video is gross, and would be all the more gross if a murder had ACTUALLY just been witnessed. Also note Bill & Gayle Newman claim JFK jumped up out of his seat. Something not shown in Zapruder film. And notice--- Mrs. Newman's hair and makeup look great, like she just got out of the makeup room. BTW if this was right after THE EVENT why were they at a TV station instead of giving statements to police and Secret Service? In the standup shot, notice how fresh Bill Newman's slacks and shirt look. Does he look like he just hit the ground and scrambled on the grass after a shooting? One must wonder if this TV interview was also... produced in advance... THE NEWMANS:


With time and hindsight it seems the CIA intentionally wove the grassy knoll part of the narrative into the story, to give conspiracy theorists a false rabbit hole to be obsessed with... And to make it beyond thought that the event had been STAGED.

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One of the most dramatic bits of evidence that things were staged is testimony by ON SCENE eyewitness to Dealey... "Shorty".

EYEWITNESS SHORTY - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=shorty+jfk

He said a limo came out from under the underpass tunnel WITH ONLY 2 secret service men, NO PASSENGERS IN THE BACK. His raw testimony on tape seems genuine and credible and suggests the following: That when the front cars of the motorcade turned on to Houston Street, leaving the rest of the motorcade out of view...


...the LEAD LIMO moved straight on and did not turn onto Elm. But on Elm was a waiting decoy/deception limo. This car paused as shot sounds were effected, thus stalling the whole motorcade behind it. Then the decoy car took off.

As to what car arrived at Parkland Hospital? That is a good question. We now know for sure JFK was not shot in Dealey Plaza, and that Lee Oswald was not REALLY shot by Jack Ruby on Sunday. The Ruby-Oswald event has been proven to be a faked event also.



Notice too Oswald was NOT in handcuffs. He just fell to the floor not dragging the arms of adjoining cops with him. So REALLY? the alleged assassin of POTUS being walked around with NO HANDCUFFS ON? Really? --RUBY/OSWALD was also fakery.

Begin this at 1:00 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EtxMzANldI - clip shows shadow of dangling microphone to record audio of the fake event.

Thus its POSSIBLE the arrival at Parkland Hospital and the ER 'treatment' was staged as well. That is as yet unknown. If there WAS a body reeled in, it was most likely NOT JFK. For it to be JFK he would have to be been shot by one of the Secret Service guys in the limo, in front of Jackie, as the car proceeded along Houston. That seems unlikely.


MORE LIKELY is that JFK was in on the faking of his death. Possibly because he was quite ill and did not have much longer to live. Why this theory? Because the Abraham Lincoln assassination was staged as fakery for the same reason. Lincoln was NOT killed at Ford's Theatre. That was also a psyop. But back to the Dealey story.


Its known that the BODY (if it was indeed a body and not a dummy) that left Dallas on the plane was NOT the same body which was delivered to an autopsy room up north for autopsy. Its also known slain cop JD Tippit was a ringer lookalike for JFK. In fact JFK --was his nickname in the Dallas PD.

Logic suggests Tippit's body was used for part of the deception. There may have been 2 bodies of lookalikes used. There may have also been a dummy used somewhere along the line. We are right now only sure- that the weekend was layers inside of layers of deceptions.

LOGIC SUGGESTS, JFK was not killed at all, and had previously been given a choice to leave the WH and disappear, or be killed for real.

Note this -- When a "psyop" staged-event propaganda hoax is LARGE IN IMPACT DESIGN and comes from the very top levels of the NWO pyramid, any tips that go to any major authorities are scuttled. J. Edgar Hoover the FBI director received numerous TIPS that something was dangerous for the POTUS regarding the Dallas trip. No action was taken. Secret Service were not notified nor the WH. And local FBI surveillance ordered on patsy Lee Oswald- was removed by Hoover. There were also at least TWO tips from military intelligence officers that "some acute danger existed for the Dallas trip". But to protect the planned psyop, those tips were tossed and the sources were detained in a nuthouse.



LOGIC SUGGESTS one of two things is true. Either JFK was given a choice to step aside and live (in anonymity) to allow a coup. OR the deceptions of the NWO DeepState are so multi layered and so pervasive at the top tiers of politics, that that EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS THEATRE. This seems like an extremely radical possibility, but don't count it out. We have seen so many bizarre truths revealed in recent years consider no possibility off the table.

What we are telling you with solid confidence today though is- the evidence is beyond reasonable doubt that THE JFK ASSASSINATION drama was fake news. A bizarre staged hoax. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN AS TOLD. Nobody was shot that day in Dealey Plaza.




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(*) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwpXUn2dF5c


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Photo shows limo used in motorcade had back seat bench that was silver upholstery, with black trim



Photos after Parkland Hospital showed the (supposed same car) with so much (blood? or fake blood?) on the seat...


...if Jackie had been in that seat, her pink skirt would have been MUCH MORE covered with 'blood'.


And there were no blood stains at all on her jacket


