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Latest theory of JFK - Dallas? Assassination was a fake psyop staging

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories




Dan Rather's FAKE account of Zap film - 1963



Editor's note - The theory most plausible to our editorial board at this time is... JFK Assassination in Dealey was faked. Zap film is a theatrical staging that was pre filmed. If so, what happened to JFK? We do not know but most likely he was taken somewhere far away and given new life identity. Motive for the faking? NWO gave him choice, let us fake your death or we will kill you for real. What's your choice? NWO wanted him out of the way because he was a problem for Israel, Fed Res bank, and the plans to start war in Vietnam.

ONE OF THE MOST SALIENT hints the event was a staged psyop is THIS FILM material (next video) of "concerned ppl" at Parkland Hospital. Its a totally implausible part of the "story" that public bystanders and press were AT THE HOSPITAL as the limousine arrived, because the PRESS were stalled behind the stopped remnants of the motorcade, and they did not know for sure what had transpired in Dealey. The public could not have known because in the few minutes it took for the the Limo to get to the hospital, the EVENT had not even been announced on radio news bulletins yet. So how were there press ppl and public bystanders at Parkland when the limo arrived? Also this film is implying Jackie arrived separately from the limo with JFK. Zapruder film does no suggest that. At 1:34 in the video a shot of the limo interior back seat bench shows NO SIGN of any blood spillage.



Was there really an ER scene at Parkland? We dunno but IF SO the BODY was probably that of JD TIPPIT. an exact lookalike for JFK.

What we DO KNOW for sure is the Ruby shooting of Oswald was a fake staged psyop. So that being so, it suggests the whole weekend may have been pysop staging, and in fact strongly suggests THIS WAS SO.

EYEWITNESS SHORTY - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=shorty+jfk

Editor's note - Most likely when the motorcade TURNED on to Houston Street, lead car likely went straight on, and decoy car was waiting to take its place in Dealey.