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THE FLOYD PSYOP deepens -- new propaganda video is released to sustain mass anger and nationwide violence

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

VIDEO - https://newsmaven.io/pinacnews/cops-gone-rogue/watch-new-video-appears-to-show-cops-beating-george-floyd-in-back-of-cop-car-fdmVgV4gPUiMHR5G7cNyjg

Video depicts cops beating on a handcuffed "Floyd' once they have him in the police car. So what are we supposed to believe, they got him INTO their police car, beat him up IN THE CAR even though an ambulance was minutes away, then they pulled him OUT of the car, put him on the street and killed him IN PUBLIC SIGHT -for all to see -and record. DOES THAT MAKE THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF SENSE as a 'story' to you? Hopefully not. But to those who just emo-react and do not exercise critical thinking-- this will, of course, ramp up manipulated anger. They will WANT TO BELIEVE cops were beating the man for no reason, and then decided to kill him on the street in public while being recorded, for no reason. What, other than he's black? Does this 'story' make sense? No, but ppl want to believe this implausible story stuff because they are angry. This psyop is tapping into anger, to get people to irrationally support violent protests --which FURTHER destroy the usa economy.


Everything going on, covid and this madness-- is all about the nwo DESTROYING the usa economy, using propaganda deceptions to have the public COOPERATE in destroying its own national economy. But what- YOU CAN'T SEE THAT?




