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***** PRIVATE *****

By from net, Posted in Top Wild










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FANTASY STORY --- "Danger in the Workplace"

Mark and Arlen are friends, and they are also colleagues. Both are lawyers (associates) at a major corporate law firm in Manhattan. Mark will soon be up for a committee vote in the firm --on whether to make him partner. Everything was going well until three weeks ago, when one of the other lawyer-associates hired a new paralegal. She is so hot (per Mark's taste for femininity) ---that her being in the office is a constant mental distraction to him. And his work is suffering.... To the point where, in a conference meeting on an important case this morning, Mark made some stupid comments that got everyone in the room to turn their heads.

Mark is now having lunch with his colleague and friend Arlen-- and discloses his dilemma.


Mark= I'm convinced this is a ploy by Brad Taylor.

Arlen = A ploy?

Look, everyone in the firm knows that this next up-leveling to partner is a competitive thing, and one of us, either Brad or me, is going to get the promotion. And the other will, for the time being, be frustrated and crying in their beer.

Where did that phrase come from anyway? Crying in their beer.

Come on, man, I'm serious.

You're telling me..... You believe Brad is so devious and competitive that he went to the extent of researching what look in a woman you go for, and then went out of his way to find a paralegal who will fry your mind by being a constant distraction??

Do I conjecture it? Do I think so? ... Arlen, I'M SURE OF IT !!

Oh gosh. Well, I have to confess, I don't know Taylor that well. I can't say whether he's this devious or not. But if it's true, you've got a very delicate problem here.

It's true, and no kidding. I DO-- have a very delicate problem here. I can't go to the senior partner and voice this theory; he'll think I'm a lunatic.


I'm so upset about this because-- I know Taylor very well. For years... We went to law school together.... He's a power-obsessed, unethical demon.

Oh goodness. Well, if you're SURE he did this as a tactic to harm your work performance.... That is indeed serious.

Very serious.

What are you going to do about it?

Dude, that's why we're having lunch. I want you to brainstorm some ideas with me.

(thinking).... Well, listen, you don't have a girlfriend at the present time. Women like you a lot. Why don't you ask this lady out? Start dating her.

What will that accomplish?... I'll get even more distracted.

Hear me out. I'm not suggesting you get too involved. Just a few dates. Gain her confidence. Then tell her you know the devious reason why Taylor hired her. Then offer her 50 thousand dollars -to quit and find a job at another firm.


Hear me out. You're rich. You earned 3 million last year. You can afford it.

What if she does not accept.. and she tells Brad?

What's he going to do? Tell the managing partner this cuckoo story? HE will look like the loon.. If this lady is foolish enough to turn down an ultra-easy to earn 50 grand, trust me, this won't blow up in your face.

You know what?..... You're right.... I'm going to do it.

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FAST FORWARD... the first date... Conversation is already in progress at their dinner.

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Mark= .... Cecily, I have to admit, I was jolted when you came into the workplace.

Cecily (the lady)= Why, because I wear the color red a lot? ..I know I really do wear red quite often. Some folks at my last job found it a bit distracting.

LOL, you believe your propensity for red -is a bit distracting?


Cecily, what color you skew toward in your wardrobe is the least of what makes you distracting to men... Honey, it's that you're sooooooo so so --Hot!

(chuckle) Well, thank you; that's flattering. Especially from you.

Listen listen. I need to confess something. I find you so hot, I can hardly think straight at the office lately. You rev my male hormones so much that every time I see you in the office, I have very raw, hot, intensely lusty thoughts.

(giggle)... Oooh, that's wonderfully exciting!

(??) .... Uh, you're not disquieted nor offended that I confess this?

Not at all Mark.. Because I have my own confession to make. You affect me the same way. Ever since you introduced yourself to me, I've had tingles every time I see you. You have this very-sexy aura which tantalizes me like a 'RED SHOE DIARIES' story.


Absolutely.... So tell me, what kind of lustful thoughts do you have about me?

Oh my gosh. Everything.

Starting with?

Well, 'starting with' is a funny phrase. Because in my inner fantasizing about you, I skip the starting phase ---and go right to the major heat part.

(giggle).....You fantasize about doing very hot lusty things with me?

LOL, Yesss.

Fuck! ..That's sooo exciting! I also fantasize about ultra lusty possibilities between us... Tonite may be the launching of a great romance!

I dunno.... Wait till I get to the 50-grand part.

What 50-grand part?

(pours more wine into each of their wine glasses)... It's a long story.

Do tell !... I'm in no rush for this evening to end.




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Sensual, seductive...

EROTICA -- begin at 2:30


Worth revisiting -- begin at 1:30


= = = = (smile/wink/kisss) = = = =



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I woke up around 3 a.m. I went to YouTube looking for something fun to post. And my eye was caught by one of these sidebar YouTube thumbnail suggestions. A film about LBJ, starring Woody Harrelson. Well, Woody is a very smart guy and never takes on roles in lousy scripts. So I decide to sample a few scenes, and I begin watching at the point where LBJ goes against JFK at the 1960 DM convention, where they duke it out for the party's nomination to be POTUS. Well, the film quickly becomes very very interesting as an historical spotlight on LBJ and his political significance in the nation's history. So I keep watching. I'm 42 minutes into the film now, and I have to give it praise. It's extremely well done and engrossing. Fascinating. I've never before seen a film give so much detailed insight into LBJ as a VP and his relationship with the Kennedys. Who were clearly arrogant and misguidedly patronizing toward him. He was a very seasoned politician and powerful man in DC, and they should have taken a much different approach to dealing with him as VP. Even though he was a wheeling and dealing politician with a fair amount of corruption under the surface, he was at the same time-practical and politically insightful, and understood the south at the time. For JFK and RFK to sideline him and treat him with contempt was a major political miscalculation. ..The film is fascinating. A true American history lesson.




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PRINCESS RAYLENE is age 23. She was brought up well and is due to be married to Prince Quanteko in an arranged marriage 2 months from now. Currently she and her cousin Milena are on a vacation in Montreal. She asks her cousin to compile some videos which would be suitable on-screen background ambient video for her bridal shower back home in several weeks. Milena brings her the following videos. Raylene views them all at a sitting with Milena. She says nothing throughout. But does eat a lot of popcorn from the popcorn bowl and drink a lot of chilled Sangria.

After the viewing Milena asks.... So what do you think?

Still bearing a calm demeanor and stoic facial expression... Raylene replies.... Well, I suppose we COULD use these. I'd just have to trim the guest list to only those we know really well.

= = = = THE VIDEOS = = = =

Making the most out of a minute


making the most out of an afternoon

begin at 2:00 -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.kvthetfaa0a/dp




begin at 7:25 -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.ucbpmpvbe89/21


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Bud Michaels has arrived in SmallEffinTown, Tennessee. He's to have dinner with his married couple of friends, Jason and Sara, this evening. But spent the afternoon exploring the town.... He now arrives at the home of Jason and Sara.... They've all hugged and are currently chatting before dinner.

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Jason= So what do you think of the town?

Bud (teasing)= Well, it sure lives down to its name. It's effin' smallllll.

Sara= And of course isn't that the charm? None of the big city stress.

Bud= Gee, I dunno about that. I hung out for a while at the muffin cafe, and the gal behind the counter was way stressed out. Pretty, but very stressed.

Sara= Redhead? Looks like actress Jana Kramer -but with red hair?

Bud= Yeah.

Jason= That's our good friend, Kelly. The lady I told you about. She owns the cafe.

Sara= Yes, and we think you and she would be a perfect match.

Bud= Wow I don't know about that. I almost got into an argument with her when I asked what brand of honey was in the condiment jar.

Sara= Well, there's a reason she's so tense. One of her employees embezzled a ton of money out of the cafe's bank account. She's behind on rent for the cafe and is getting evicted. Her ex-husband just got sent to jail for starting a fight in the town square. Her house burned down, and she's staying at a Motel 6. And her car was stolen on Tuesday.

Jason= But as you could see, she's quite pretty, and when she is without a set of problems like this, she's very easygoing and fun.

Sara= Yeah, this is a difficult time for her, and aside from money possibly dropping out of the sky as a gift from Heaven, I think what would do her real good right now is finding a new man in her life.

Jason= Anyway, we can talk more about Kelly at dinner. But first, fill me in on your life in New York. We're so glad you can spend a few days with us, but do fill us in on your bustling, busy lifestyle in Gotham. How are things?

Bud= Actually, I'm having a rough patch in my life too. My firm merged with nnother, and I got laid off. My condo building got condemned due to asbestos being discovered in the walls. I'm temporarily living at my brother's place. And I drove into a police car the other day because I was daydreaming and didn't notice the traffic light change.

Jason= Gee, some tough breaks. However, I can say for sure-- spending a few days here will certainly help you relax. And aside from money dropping out of the sky as a gift from Heaven, probably what you most need now in your life.. is a new romance.

Sara= That brings us back to the topic of Kelly, doesn't it? She's not only sweet and pretty; she's also good at business. She created and developed that muffin cafe from scratch. And the baked goods are marvelous. I dunno what muffin you had there today, but I'll tell you, her apricot-rhubarb muffins are amazing.

Jason= That's a true fact; this woman can do things with baking ingredients and various fruits that are sooooo innovative. Anyway, dinner is ready for us; let's move to the dining room.

Sara= Another thing about Kelly is that she's almost done with her gambling addiction rehab program. Just two more weeks.

Bud=... I do like the taste of apricot.... I must admit though, I've never tasted rhubarb in my life.

Sara= Well, you'll expand your horizons then this week --here in SmallEffinTown, Tennessee.

Bud= So you say this gal Kelly was married. For how long?

Sara= Six months to this second guy. But her first marriage was more durable. The better part of two years.

Jason= And neither of her rotten husbands properly appreciated her culinary skill. Let me tell you-- this woman is extremely talented at baking.

Sara= I told her though, she should do her own book-keeping. She made a big mistake letting that dishwasher Edward also handle the cafe's finances. I never liked him from day one. And now you see, I was right.

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It's the totality of the attraction. It's not just one thing. It's many things. It's the enchanting magnetism of the whole person.


;) (warm hug/kissssss) Good day Good day!


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The year is 2023. It's summertime. And quite ironically, the first names of the three characters in this fantasy story are. Myles, John, and Priscilla. Although the story itself differs from the fabled narrative on the link above,.

Our modern tale goes like this:.

Priscilla is the purchasing manager for Gibson's department store in Rockport, Massachusetts (a lovely oceanside community north of Boston).

Myles and John are friends and roommates sharing a fancy condo in Boston. Both are in sales. And both sell sundries to department stores and chain stores.

Priscilla is new in her position, and both men have had the opportunity to meet her recently. She is both stunning and ravishingly sexy. One Sunday afternoon, while having lunch at a sports bar, Myles happened to mention the BABE Priscilla, at Gilford's. John chimes in saying...

Oh my goodness, yeah. She's amazing. So hot.

Wait, wait,wait..... says Myles.....Do you remember our last coin toss?

John swigs from his pitcher of beer and says.... You mean the one where at the Franklin Family birthday party, we flipped for who got the encouraging green light to flirt with the niece Jessica, and I won the toss?

Yes... says Myles.... That one. So here we are, both calling on ultra-pretty Priscilla, endeavoring to sell her our respective sundries, and we both think she's rad because she is. But this time it's my turn to be up at the plate.

Okay okay... John lamented.... Yeah, what's fair is fair. But I must note that I have an appointment with her tomorrow, Monday, late in the afternoon. It's gonna be difficult not to flirt with her. She is soooo hot.

LOL LOL...... Myles then comments...... How about I make it easier for you to not flirt with her?? How about I give you a mission??

Like what?

To talk me up... to her.

Oh geesh man, come on. We both do well with women. You don't need my help to get something going with her her.

Of course I don't, but if I give you this task, it will give you something to talk about that's not ---you directly flirting with her.

Ok, okay, yes, I get it. Will do (they clang mugs and toast the promise)....

= = = =

The next day, it's 4:30 p.m.., and John is at Priscilla's office talking about the his line. It's her last appointment of the day.

Priscilla= Let me stop you there, John. I've reviewed your catalog, and I like the line of products. I printed out your order sheet and checked off the things I want and the quantities for each.

Oh great.. Awesome. Thanks so much, Priscilla.. Most appreciated.

So then, enough for business and the business day.


But why don't you come across the street and have a drink with me at Mason's Lounge? I've had a crazy day until your your appointment. I could do with some relaxing.

Sure. Be delighted to.

= = = =

They cross the street and get seated. Order some cocktails and are chatting.. Loyal to his friend, John takes up his mission.

John = So I should mention.. Myles from Breeson Distributors, who is going to see you later this week, is a friend of mine. Actually a friend and my roommate in Boston. He's not only a nice guy, but his company's line, which is not competitive with mine, is a good line of products and priced well.

Priscilla chuckles... Did he ask you to talk him up?

What do you mean?

So I met him for the first time 10 days ago. I was quite busy then, and I asked him to schedule me for another day. But the the way he was looking at me, I sensed he had a thing for for me. Does he want to date me?

Gosh, I dunno. I mean, that's between you and him. I have no idea.

Come on now, John, you're fibbing. You're his roommate and friend. You know! Does he have a thing for me? Did he ask you to help him? On your honor now, tell me true.

(Cornered, John has to confess, Yes.)

Priscilla= Well, Johnny, let me tell you this. He does indeed seem like a nice guy, but he's not my type. So it is not going to happen.

Oh well, que sera.

She leans toward him and comments.... However, youuu ---are my type.

John is instantly flustered by her unexpected forwardness.

John= Wow, I'm flattered.

Priscilla= Good. I hoped you would be. Because it was a careful decision of mine to tell you that. I've never dated anyone I have to deal with in business, but the first moment I met you, I was very attracted. So when you were just talking about your friend-- humorously inside, I was thinking.... Why don't you speak for yourself? John

John= Wow, I dunno what to say.

Priscilla= Be as candid as I'm being. Are you attracted to me?

OMG yes. Totally.

So let's do this. Let's get a table in the dining area and have dinner.

Sounds wonderful. Yes, let's do that.

= = = =

They have a two-hour dinner, and both drink a bit more wine than they should. Priscilla notes that her apartment is just three blocks from where they are. Would he like to come over and smoke a joint with her?

Well, of course..... says John.

= = = =

30 minutes later, they are at her place, buzzed and uninhibited, making out.

Priscilla= Whew, I think maybe we've gone too far for a first evening of romance. Maybe we should call it an evening, and you should go.

Uh, well, okay, if you wish.

LOL LOL LOL, nooooooooo, Johnny. I'm just joking. I want you to go further. Not fucking, but I confess I'm a glutton for massage and great oral sex. Would you like to give me both this evening?

John jumps up from the couch and looks around the room, and playfully says...... Am I dreaming of this, or is this really happening?

Priscilla= LOL, come on, don't be shy. Take me to the bedroom and undress me.

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Once she is naked, and he is stripped down to his underwear, their merriment proceeds as she suggested. He is hot-oil massaging her all over, slowly, and languorously. And she is loving every second of it.. As he concludes the message, he begins kissing her seductively all over. First, the back of her body. Then all over the front. He lingers on her breasts and sucks on them erotically for about 5 minutes. She is sighing and moaning. As he moves his kisses downward toward her hips, she grabs his hair and stops him for a moment... And she says.... Are you good at this?

Excuse me?

Are you into it? Licking a lady's coochie. Do you like to do it? Are you into it?

LOL LOL, into it?-- I have a master's degree in it ---from the University of Life.

LOL LOL LOL, that's hilarious. So--- do me an extra-nice favor--- Don't stop till I've climaxed --three times. Will you do that?

(chuckle) I'll be happy to take you through 5 climaxes! ...I'm distinctly romantic, and.. I'm not stingy.



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Hi..... (smile/wink/kissss)






"Flite Fiesta"

begin at 2:00 -- https://www.tnaflix.com/amateur-porn/SinfulXXX-Stewardess-Subil-Arch-and-Anna-de-Ville-Heat-up-in-the-Cockpit/video10420488


begin at 21:50 -- https://www.tnaflix.com/amateur-porn/super-hot-chick-models-lingerie/video6741560

"Ancient Egypt"

begin at 3:30 -- https://www.tnaflix.com/big-boobs/mya-diamond-is-cleopatra/video4333576

"Spicy Fetish Fun"

begin at 48:15 -- https://www.xnxx.com/video-122zsj6b/excellent_fetish_and_female_domination_-_anita_mya_diamond_rebecca_shy_sidney_dark_susana_de_garcia

"Forbidden frolic 1"

begin at 3;30 -- https://www.tnaflix.com/blonde-porn/DO-THE-WIFE-Hot-blonde-wife-Subil-Arch-fucks-in-front-of-husband/video2686432

"Lust in Action" ... (hot girl plays with horned-up, kinky nerd)

begin at 3:15 -- https://www.tnaflix.com/amateur-porn/FIRST-ANAL-QUEST-Lusty-chick-gave-up-her-ass/video341480

"Forbidden frolic 2"



begin at -- 15:40 -- https://www.xnxx.com/video-122zsj6b/excellent

"Forbidden Frolic 3" --

(Pardon the bad link title with the nasty word. The scene is worth watching tho. Very sexy.)

begin this at 40:00 -- https://www.tnaflix.com/bdsm-porn/Mya-Diamond-blindfolded-slut/video5248877

;) (smile/wink) XOXOXOXOXO

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** LOL, this next would just be funny if not for the fact of socially trending ** = = =

D&G actually used to be a very good, very chic fashion brand. But ever since the owner dropped some LSD and went mentally haywire--- And began obsessively watching the film FANTASIA twice a day... Well, D&G is... uh... .. a fashion line that looks like costumes for a reboot of the Mickey Mouse Club. (Just kidding- but whoever she is she's obviously gone loco in a truly cringey way.) ... Who in their right mind would wear this distinctly deranged, creepy, mentally twisted nonsense


Stranger still... is the fact NUMEROUS fashion brands have also gone down the this exact same road of Madness... Yet hordes of sheeple still come to their runway shows.

Go figure........... And brace yourself before viewing this video clip. It's a manifestation of obvious mental derangement.

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"At the restaurant."

Julia= So, what would you care for today?

Rocco= Hmmmm, today, today.. I shall tell you today what I'd care for today.

Julia= (giggle) I'm hoping that you will.

I think that after a fine and tasty lunch here, some time spent at the fine arts museum down the block.

It sounds like a fine idea, no pun intended.

Then maybe some time at the rooftop swimming pool lounge at the Bel-Air Hotel.

Also sounds fine.

Then downstairs and out of the Bel Air hotel and go across the street to that Tavern Q-WEST and some billiards.

It also sounds fine.-- But may I please get your lunch order? I have the lady's, I just need yours---


I just need yours, Rocco.

Of course, of course, of course. I'll have the pork-chops well done. And sour cream on the backed potato.

Excellent, and you both want Caesar salads. The salads will be right out.

Thank you.

Anna (his date sitting at the table with him) Anna= ...What .....was... That?

Rocco= What?

What was-- That?

What was what?

That, with the waitress?

Explain please.

That back and forth.

I dunno, it just kind of happened. She seemed sincere in asking me what I felt like having during this afternoon.

Duh--- For LUNCH!

Well, yeah, that too. But she just seemed like a nice person who is really interested in others. So I opened up.

When was the last time you opened up like that --to me?

Like that? ...You mean saying a lot of things that I have as emotional desires?

Yes. Like that.

Gosh, I dunno. When was the last time you asked me-- a bunch of questions?

Oh, we're back to that again..... Rocco, for the fiftieth time, I TOLD YOU OUT FRONT on my dating apps profile 22 months ago. Now what about the word, TACITURN, do you not understand? REMEMBER?.... "I am a hard-working professional accountant. Very into my looks. Fashionista. Love Being told me how glamorous I am. Downside? Taciturn. Don't initiate a lot of conversation. What can I say? I tend to not say a lot"... Honey, don't you remember all that from my profile?

Yes, yes, yes, but I thought that tendency of being TACITURN would fade away, and you would become more talkative from dating a lively and very talkative guy like me.

Well, I'm sorry. I think it's in my DNA. My mother is like that too.

And what's kept your father interested all these years?

Like me, she has striking natural beauty and she's very romantic and affectionate. It runs on the female side of our family.... Look M'Love, if me as i am is not good enough for you, we can gracefully break it off. I am what I am. And you seem pretty excited to be my boyfriend when we're at home and being sexy together. You don't seem to feel I'm lacking something because I'm not talking much --when we're at home.


Rocco= Well, yes. At home, you are absolutely incredibly romantic and affectionate.

Maybe I should sign you up online for having a cyber girlfriend. You can chat with her all you want, and then have great sex with me. Maybe that's a solution.

[Guy on the restaurant staff arrives with their Caesar salads. He's handsome. He sets down the plates, then takes the pepper container from under his clenched arm and turns to Anna]

Man= Would you care for some pepper today, ma'am?

Anna= Why yes, I would. How thoughtful of you to ask.

[He adds pepper to her salad, and before he can turn to Rocco, she says to him]

Anna= ..What's your name?

Man= ... Steven, I'm Steven.... And you are?

I'm Anna.

Delighted to know you. Let me now ask your---

So is this all you do, Steven? Is this full-time or part-time for you?

Funny, you should ask. Because it's actually part-time. I just do it a few days a week to add some steadiness to my income.

What do you do for the rest of the week?

Bitcoin. It has its ups and downs, but I'm learning. I had a good year last year. 400 thousand

WHAT?... Damn, I'd say that's a good year!

Let me just---

How long have you been doing Bitcoin?

Two years. Let me just ask-- (turns of Rocco).. Would you like some pepper sir?

Rocco= No. No thank you. No pepper. Thank you.

Man= Okay, folks, enjoy your lunch. [He departs]

[Anna proceeds to eat her salad]

Rocco (irritated)= What the freak was... That?

Anna= Huh?

That.... What the heck was.... That?

Oh, I dunno, it just happened. He seemed like a genuine person interested in others, and he brought the same out in me.

Get the freak outta here.. Come on!


Were you trying to make me jealous and to realize I should be happy with the Lady I have, taciturn-ness and all...?

You think I was trying to send your message?

Uh, like... YEAHHHH.

Oh, and you think what you just said ---was the message?

LOL... Yessssssss.

So let me ask you.... Are you ...Happy --with the Lady you have? Hmmmmmm?

[Getting the message] Welllll.....

Hmmmm? ....ARE YOU?

Of course, I am. You know I'm wild about you. I mean, you are so...

Yes, I am

And so--

Yes, you know I am.... So are you going to calm down about this taciturn thing, count your blessings, and be calm and happy, so we can have a nice afternoon?

(LOL LOL) Yes, yes, yes. Okay yes.

(chuckle) You know what we call a moment like this-- in accounting?


A balanced ledger.

LOL LOL, okay, you won.

You know something, Dear. You can be a little irritating at times, starting petty squabbles over little to nothing of importance at all. If you didn't kiss me, lick me and fuck me -so wonderfully at home, I might--

--What?.. You mean what?

Sign up online for a cyber boyfriend... And specify on the sign-up form.. DOES NOT START PETTY BICKERINGS

[Julia stops by to check on them]

Julia= Everything Okay- folks?

Anna= Just fine. Thank you for asking. We're great, thank you. [Julia departs]

[Anna to Rocco]... Anna= Know what? I'm glad we both ordered the same thing... I'm in the mood for some hot steamy tasty pork today.

Rocco= LOL LOL, Are you now?

Yes.... AND... I have to confess... Bickering with you makes me horny. Really horny. I dunno why, but it does. Always gets me aroused and horny.

Babe................. Why do you think I do it?

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New addition -- x-link


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Private Entertainment (smile/wink)

STORY NUMBER ONE --- So hot for each other .. they'll get frisky anytime, anywhere.

A great romantic relationship includes great erotic intimacy. Here's an example of both emotional connection -and excellent sensual passion.


Care for one more? Here's another example...



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STORY NUMBER TWO -- A modern fairy tale -- 'The Princess and The Pea'


The story is of a prince.... who wants to marry a true princess but is having difficulty finding a suitable candidate for betrothal. He meets many princesses at social functions but is never sure he has met is THE RIGHT ONE-until--- one stormy night, when a mysterious young woman drenched with rain seeks shelter at his family's castle. after her car breaks down nearby. She claims to be a princess from a neighboring kingdom, but the prince's mother, the queen of this particular manor, has doubts. And she certainly does not want to do the embarrassing thing of calling over to that kingdom to ask. She decides to test the unexpected house guest.. by placing a hard, uncooked vegetable pea in the guest room bed, beneath two mattresses stacked over it.

In the morning, the visiting woman tells her hosts that she endured a rather restless night, kept awake by something in the bed that made her feel uncomfortable. The prince's family realizes that she is a true princess after all, since only a true princess could be sensitive enough to feel a little pea under those two mattresses. The prince and the princess date joyfully, become engaged, and subsequently ..are happily married.

But let's focus for the moment on their dating period. They had a natural rapport as people and enjoyed many fun activities together. Naturally, it being a present-day romance and not from the 1600's, the two besotted romantics did not wait for the wedding weekend to become fully intimate. Often, when they had a date, at the evening's end, she would stay over with him. And they would make passionate love --not only into the wee hours of the night. but also --when they woke up in the morning too. 


= = = =

STORY NUMBER THREE: --- Luckily, he exemplifies -her taste in men's attire.

Adriana is very popular in Denver, where she moved to 18 months ago from Los Angeles. However, she has found dating to be disappointing due to a particular secret fetish she has. It's not that there are no nice guys around. She is very good-looking and has a vivacious personality. Consequently, she has attracted and met many nice guys. And briefly dated a number of them. But all of the dating was simply unfulfilling because the guys did not bring her the thing she sought most. Elegant dressing. The ability to be elegant even when dressing in an at-ease and casual aura. It even came to pass that she started having dreams about an ideal lover. In her dreams, it recurred that the perfect date-mate always showed up wearing an elegant gray dress shirt, pressed and starched. With a nice crisp collar. Finally, one day she met a handsome guy at a café. They struck up a conversation. He asked her out, and on that first date, he wore a great shirt. To her delight, he has always worn a starched and pressed, elegant Dress Shirt since. So things are going very well in their romance.  

begin at 1:40 -- https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57d95f50a1079



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Why DC, over time, gradually, secretly transformed into a- UNI-PARTY... ? .... Answer: --Greed and self interest.


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begin at 10:10


it's raw raw raw.... But it's worth the watching --Because it's hot hot hot! (smile/kisss)

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(She) Honey... am I..... IMPORTANT TO YOU?

(He/smile) Yes absolutely.

In what way?

I deeply value closeness with you.

(teasing) Closeness?


Why, because you can't smell my awesome perfume as well from 8 feet away?

LOL LOL, yes, exactly. That's the precise reason why... I value... closeness.

LOL, at least I can grasp the reason for it. (chuckle) Because yes, my perfume is awesome.

(Tickle) There are other awesome things about you too.

(playful) Are there?

I LOVE YOUR FACE. I love, love, love your face. AND your vibe, your presence, and your aura. AND your glamour. And your TALENTS. And fun spirit. And your sense of adventure. And your artistic creativity---

(smile/warm kisss)... I was just checking. I knew all that.... Tell me something I may not yet know.

I fantasize about kissing you / hugging you and making out with you..... quite often.

Ooooh that's sweet.. I like that! (smile)


= = = =


See this outfit here, at this video mark--


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Any true Star Trek fan is a fan of the whole franchise and knows all the various TV series that are connected to it. INCLUDING the Space Station series, called DEEP SPACE.

The entire spectrum of DSN was centered around visitors of many kinds to the space station. And things that happened while they were on board, during a visit to DSN. Various encounters, experiences, acquaintances, connections, intimacies, adventures, and/or conflicts. You get the gist.

Sometimes these episodes or adventures had a romantic aura.

The following is a story arc proposed by one of the show's writers, but which did NOT get produced and aired. The showrunner felt the storyline was a bit too sexy for the parameters of the series..... As proposed, this was SCRIPT IDEA #377, titled BAJORAN UNDER-COVER.

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This week, the station has a visitor who has arrived from another somewhat nearby StarFleet space station. Her name is Kassie. She claims to be from Earth and from America. And claims to be at DSN just to refresh and refuel before shuttling off to the starship ENTERPRISE and taking a ride back to earth.

While at the DSN station, she strikes up some friendship with First Lieutenant Lii-Gor, who is a linguist and fluent in many languages. And over lunch one day she mentions to him, she'd luv to learn French. Would he mind giving her a few lessons during the ten further days that she'll be aboard the DSN station?

Being attracted to her, he naturally says... Sure, will be happy to!

She offers to come to his office at 5 p.m. the next day, and he can begin tutoring her as he finishes his work day..... Lii-gor is a research analyst for StarFleet, and his job (employment) on DSN is to do analysis of research data for StarFleet. And he is on a space station versus a planet surface so that his work information can be easily transmitted to StarFleet planets and space stations in this particular deep space sector.

So then, it's now the next day --at 5 p.m., and Kassie arrives at his office. Dressed as you see her in the photo.

= = = =

L = Hi, right on time. Would you like some coffee?

K = No, thank you.

Any other kind of beverage?

No, thank you; I'm fine. (She comes closer to him and sits on the edge of his desk.) Are you in a good mood, Lieutenant?

Pretty good. Thanks for asking.... And you?

Excellent mood. I've been looking forward to this rendezvous all day. (She gets up, goes near the front door, and presses the button to drop the blinds on all office windows so no one can see in. Then she locks door ---and returns to sitting at the edge of his desk.).... I'm eager to learn...... Where should we begin?

LOL, wow. Uh, ahem, uh...

Do I make you nervous, Lieutenant?

Nervous, let's see, is that the correct word? Uh, well, I will say THIS-- ......You make me CURIOUS.

Curious eh? Tell me more.

I'm curious about you ---personally.

(giggle) To borrow a Vulcan phrase, "I'm all ears" --- say more.

Well, I scannned your personal file and as an analyst, I can tell it's a forgery. You have good skills; a casual viewer would not notice what I picked out, and would not notice that it's been edited and falsified in several areas.

What did you say you are .. an -- ANAL-IST?

LOL, anna-list. Don't be naughty.

Maybe I am naughty. Maybe that's my nature.

Anyway, let me get to my point of confrontation.

Ooh, confrontation. I like confrontation.

I don't know why, but I do deduce that ---you've totally changed your identity. And you are pretending to be someone you're really not.

Hmm, well, just for fun, let's suppose that might be so.. Does that upset you?

I'm not sure yet whether it should... But as I was saying, I deduce you have taken on an assumed identity.

Did you say -- ASS-- SUMED?

Stop; please let me finish.

Ohhhh, Lieutenant, are you one of those men I've been warned about ---who finish early?

LOL, I assure you, I'm not any type of man that you've been 'warned about'. Back to my commentary though. I believe you are Bajoran and have had cosmetic surgery to make your Bajoran nose seem like an earthling nose. And you are faking being --an earthling.

(leaning over Close to him and whispering Close to His ear)... Now, why do you think I might do something like that, Lieutenant?

Well, I think there's one significant high-chance possibility why you might have done that, and it's to enhance your romantic possibilities. Because, as everyone knows, Bajoran men are rather prudish, and while they may fuck aggressively in the sack, their foreplay skills, liberality, and erotic generosity --are known to be scarce.

You mean, they don't lick and suck pussy or ass?

(smile) To put it in summarizing words, yeah, that.

So... Mister--


Mister Analyst (smile) You think I might have gone rogue from Bajor to seek hot tongue action in my romance life?

(Steps out of his chair, goes over to the couch in his office, and sits down.).... I consider that a distinct possibility.

(She stands up and walks to the side of his desk and repositions herself to be sitting on the edge of the SIDE of his desk, which now puts her facing him as he sits on the couch.) .... Do you find me attractive, Lieutenant Lii-Gor?

(smile) Very.

Well..... I'm only going to be here for 10 more days... What do you plan to do --about finding me attractive? --And before you answer, let me suggest you don't invite me to dinner tonight. I had a big lunch. I'm fine. And I came to your office in a fun mood, knowing full well that I want to start something with you --and wearing an outfit TO start something with you... Now, Lieutenant, please answer. What do you plan to do about being attracted to me?

(smile).... I think.... that question should be answered collaboratively, not just by me alone. How about you slide that skirt down to the floor, unzip that top, and take it off... And come over to the couch, sit with me, and let's discuss together... what we might do in this first tutoring session.

Sounds good to me (begins disrobing). I'm very eager to discover your French skills... (smile) Dear Lii-Gor ...

= = = =



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THE DATING GAME- rebooted into a 2024 version, on an x-adult content streaming platform. The show runs longer, and the content runs spicier. How much spicier? Well, the questions from the questioning contestants are much longer and more involved, and they can actually have a few minutes of conversation with any one of the three candidates over any particular question topic. FOR EXAMPLE....

Jeannie is a publicity coordinator for a well-established rock band. She is on the show looking to see if one of the guys could be suitable as a boyfriend. She's asked the guys several questions and is now coming into the home stretch, last question, last topic. Through her segment of the show, she's seemed to be leaning toward Bachelor Number 3. So she saves him till last on this round. The other two guys have already answered a last question, but she's most keenly interested in what #3 will say to HIS last question. In this final question swipe, she is asking each of the three guys a different queries. Similar in some respects, but each question posed was constructed in a somewhat different way.

So then... What does she ask Mr. JOHNNY AWNDERSPAHT for her final question to him?

Herrrr name ---is JEANNIE MADJIK.

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Jeannie: So, Johnny, let's imagine a situation where we might meet and how you might handle it.

Johnny= Okay....

Let's pretend you are a pharmacist and a businessman. You own three successful drug stores. You rotate which one you spend the day at, so you are frequently at any one of them. If it's busy, you pitch in with the filling of prescriptions. If not extra busy in the back, you help out on the general floor, helping customers find and buy things on the open shelves in the general area of the store.


And I saunter in one afternoon dressed in a pleated plaid skirt so high up in hemline that

Yeah, I get the idea (chuckle).


Jeannie= What are you thinking right away, and how do you act?

Johnny= You're wearing a skirt like in this photo?


I'm thinking right off. You are a woman who needs thrills. Not ordinary, bland living, but thrills and adventure.

(giggle) Okay.

I would come out from behind the counter and ask what you were looking for. I'd take you to where it is in the aisles and ask how many of them you want to buy today. Whatever number you say, I double the amount and take it to the checkout counter. You will naturally correct me. And I will retort... Hey, listen, I'm going to double the amount so you don't have to come back too soon. Because if I see you in here again dressed as hot as this- in less than a month's time, I'm probably going to faint, maybe break a bone, and end up in the hospital.

LOL LOL, LOL, LOL, very cute rap, Johnny. And I certainly would not want you to have any of your bones harmed before I get to know you better. Now then, how do you move from making me laugh to getting to hang out with me?

Well, in addition to correcting me on the amount of that item you wanted, you'll mention that if you buy twice the amount, you'll have to spend twice the price. And I say, in keeping with my angle, Listen, Miss ____


Listen, Miss Madjik, do you really mind spending a few bucks more than you planned in order to considerately make sure my bones are in good shape? ----And then, Jeannie, what would YOU ---say to me?

LOL, I'd say.... Well there, Mr. DrugStore man. As they say in the Bronx, New York... You've got a pretty smart mouth. How'd your mouth get to be so bold and smart?

LOL LOL, and I'd say... I'll be happy to answer that if you step outside of the store with me for a moment..... I'd gently take you by the arm and lead you outside, and outside I'd continue my remarks, and I'd say...... Listen, Dear Miss Madjik. I get it. I get your cock tease game, and I'm more than happy to play. But I own this store, and I'm on duty now. So I have to make our conversation brief. But I'd love to take you to dinner at the top steakhouse in town if you'll be kind enough to return at 7 p.m. And while you mull over that possibility, let me make you two promises. I've dated enough in my life to understand- respect and romance, and I won't be in a rush with you. Two, as we do get some great rapport going and things get very sexy between us, I also won't be in a rush in the bedroom. I'll take my time, savor the foreplay, make you feel great, and before we get to banging, I'll suck your tits and lick your slits front and back so good and so long you'll be in stage one ecstasy before we even start smashing.

LOL LOL LOL, and I'd say, well, Johnny, you really do have a bold, smart mouth. And you have indeed given me something to think about. Shall we go inside now and cash me out for these items?

No, let's not. We'll roll your credit card when you return at 7.

What if I don't return at 7?

Maybe I'll give your description to the cops and have you sought for shoplifting items without paying.

LOL LOL, or maybe you will just get in your car and see if I'm waiting for you at the top steakhouse in town.

LOL, mayyybe. But why make things hard?

Because, I wanna make certain things very hard...for you Johnny.



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News info SPECIAL REPORT - Bongino

begin the video at 5:30 -- https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2024/04/covid-was-just-a-warmup-for-whats-coming-next-dan-bongino-live-3691412.html

View and hear at least thru 17:00


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begin at 6:40 -- https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/04/20/congress/tiktok-russian-assets-bill-passes-house-00153488

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(you) Sooooooooooo?

(me)??... Sooo?

(you/pinch/tickle)... Soooo??

(me) (chuckle) Is there a question in here besides the over generalized rather amorphous... Soooooo?

LOL, so, Honey, where were you most of the day?

Ahhhhhh, so that? Should I tell you? Maybe its fun and a bit mysterious, not to say.

Fine, if you don't want me to sit on your face.

LOL LOL LOL.. Oh whoa, don't go to that square on the checker board right away. We are simply having friendly playtime here. I'm preparing an arrangement.

You're teasing me

(smile) Yes, I am.

Sometimes, when one teases, it can be misinterpreted and cause tension.

(smile), but that's not likely to happen if One is skilled at teasing.

Oh, so you fancy you're very skilled at it?

LOL, I do.

But if you are so skilled at it, why did I not want to accept the teasing, and I actually do wish and answer my question?

Hmmm, let's negotiate. How about you hike your dress off, slide your panty off, sit on my face, and let me go at you orally? Without answering where I was most of the day...

LOL LOL, that's a very provocative question.


Well, you know.

What do I know?

You know why your suggestion is quite provocative.

What is the reason --For the sexual boldness?

Not only that, but the danger.

What danger?

Oh, come on, you know the danger. It's well documented. Giving a gal great oral sex can definitely lead to other things.

LOL LOL, LOL, like what?

A full-blown, overnite sexual orgy.

LOL LOL, I like your very descriptive language there.

Well, it is what it is.... That's the danger.

And what's so dangerous about that happening?

Without me first getting an answer to my query? The danger is that I am losing some female power


(me) LOL LOL

(You).... I mean, you already created an unfair situation today.


By being off the radar for many hours, you put yourself into my mind more than usual... -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysn_Lad-zsg -- I wish to know if that was intentional teasing, or just random accident.

LOL LOL, I'm actually enjoying this.

Are you?


This conversation is turning you on?

Absolutely. It's making my temperature rise and my mouth water.

LOL LOL. Hey, a quick challenge here. You're a guy. You've seen a fair amount of porn. Tell me what you would nominate for being the best porn scene you've ever viewed.

LOL LOL, LOL, truly?

Yeah. We're having a sexualy teasing conversation here. Go for it.

Well, of course, as you so aptly say, over my lifetime, I've seen a FAIR amount of x-videos. And if I had to vote to nominate the best scene ever, I would say this:


(you) (deep sigh) THAT ISSSS... a fantastic scene. Fun, playful, romantic, connecting, hot, and lusty. It really is great. What woman wouldn't want to have a romance like that! Is that the kind of fun vibe you wish for us to share?

Yes! (hug/warm long-lasting kissss)

Great. Great to hear it. Just one question before we move on.

LOL.. At this point, After all this convo about it, if I answer I possibly could FIB ---just to tease you further.

(giggle) But you won't


Enough is enough. You have good instincts.

How about this.... You GUESS-- what I was up to when I was off the radar for many hours.

(thinking) If I guess correctly, I win a prize.


If I guess correctly on the first guess, in addition to licking my cuny so well that i almost faint from the thrill, additionally you also do that same great job with your face up between my bum cheeks.

LOL LOL LOL, That's the prize you get if you guess correctly on the first guess?


What if you don't guess correctly? What's the default prize that-- I get?

An invitation to double your fun when I face sit, and you get to lick both sheaths of my hips region front and back.

LOL LOL LOL LOL, gosh, you DO have enjoyable verbal grandiosity. And I must comment-- it kind of soudns like THE SAME PRIZE... LOL. So basically, neither one of us can lose, no matter what you guess here.

(chuck/giggle) Correct!

Okay, so what's your guess?

You had a very busy week and pushed to complete a big biz project. You were exhausted, so you indulged in a long, long sleep stretch --to catch up.

(smile/tickle/warm kissss) You're a genius!... Now Darling, take your clothes off and step up on to the bed. Let's get busy!



2:20am 4/21

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Hi Hi Hi (smile/wink/kisss) LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE from here!


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Every time you hear about insane practices that are beginning in other places, TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY. Because ALL THE VERY CRAZY THINGS being launched worldwide ---are also on the way to YOU. All of them. You are [also] going to be exclaiming WTF??? -- very soon. This is the process of the Illuminati war upon the human population. To gradually roll out crazed thing after crazed thing. Lockdowns were crazed. Mask wearing was useless, and nutty. Demanding you take a shot in the arm was/is crazed. THIS bank stuff is is crazed. And listen closely as I tell you... Every crazed thing that is being launched elsewhere is on a highway to come to you and your daily living ...soon. If you do not put your foot down and stop it; if you do apply political pressure to stop it. And this 'no-cash transactions' is rather the least of the crazy.... Much more crazy stuff ---is in the offing.


MORE INFO - hear this


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(me) (kiss on your cheek) Hi.... I hope your day has been pleasant.

(you) LOL, me also (giggle)

The process of us communicating the way we do has some interesting flexibility in it.


We can play HOLLOW DECK, you know, like in Star Trek.

(smile) Go anywhere and be in any setting or situation, just by imagining it is so.


Allright. Let's play...

You go first. Tell me where we are and what's going on.

(thinking)... Paris... And we've just listened to and much enjoyed a symphony concert, after an afternoon of visiting the Louvre Museum. We are now at a sidewalk cafe having a nitecap. Then we'll go to our hotel room --and make Love!

Sounds wonderful.

Now it's your turn. Where are we, and what's the situation?

(smile) London UK. You're a notorious and clever white collar criminal who's defrauded the firm you worked for-- for 40 million pounds. You've been arrested and have to post bail of a million pounds. I am a bail bondsman and I lend you the bail money --at a fee of 100,000 pounds.

Wow, LOL. Do I make my court date and thus have your bail money returned to you?

Yes, you do.

So what was the point of all this --in this HD scenario? Where's the romance ?

Well.... I have your phone number now. And after your arraignment, you are released on recognition. I call you and invite you to dinner. You find me pleasant, and you may need me again for bail purposes, so you say yes. We have a wonderful dinner and get along great. And we start dating.

Why would you want to date... a high-profile criminal? I mean, beyond the facts-- I'm very pretty and have great fashion sense. (chuckle)

Because the $40 million has not been recovered, and you deny ever taking it.

LOL LOL LOL, in this situation, you're as naughty as I am.

Perfect match- then!

LOL LOL, (pinch tickle) You're being naughty right now. All right, my turn. Maybe I can get this back on to a more righteous rail... (thinking) Okay, we are at a Sunday afternoon pool party right here in the USA. Quality crowd, people are convivial. Sunny, warm day. The vibe is upbeat, and we are having a fun time. There's food at the outdoor party, so we don't need to have dinner afterward.

Okay, and so after daylight, when the party ends.... What's next?

We go to my place --and make Love ...for hours!

(smile) I really do like the way you think.

Your turn.

We go bungee jumping.

Oh, nice! Psych!

Then we go to a music concert by some artist or group we both like. Then a nice Italian dinner at an outdoor cafe.

(you) Thennnn (smile) Back to your place.... to make Love!

(me)(smile) Sounds excellent... Now you. Your turn again.

(you)(thinking)... We are visiting Lexington, KY, for some reason.

What reason?

I dunno, please let me do this.

(chuckle) Sorry.

And it is Spring, and the weather is nice. And for some reason, we have been in this lovely area for 3 days already. It's now Sunday, and we'll be leaving this afternoon. We are cuddled in bed in our hotel room. It's dawn, and I wake you up.


I'm horny, and I say, Darling--- Let's make Love, all morning!

LOL LOL, these fantasies are going well.

(giggle) It's your turn again, Chris.

(thinking) We are in Las Vegas, for who knows what reason that we came. Because neither of us is a gambling addict, and every form of entertainment they have there, we've seen many times. But, like I say, for who knows what reason, we are there. And it's a mild summer night. Very pleasant weather. And we've rented a limo for the evening and are ....driving around town on a joyride ..with the sunroof open.

(you) And?

Smoking a joint and having some wine.

(you) And? (smile)

Getting hot with each other --and making Love!

Geesh, Honey, you're so raw and crude. All you have on your mind -is hot hot hot Sex... All the time!

[shared LOL, LOL, LOL]




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(you) -- Hi (smile/kiss) WYD?

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(me) Hi... First of all HOPE AND TRUST youuuu a having a nice day. My day so far is decently pleasant. I slept in late. I got up midday. I did a little scanning online. Looked at some SARDA videos. In general, I luv the ANDRES SARDA lines of fashion exotica. Some years, they are rather too far off the rails, but generally, their runway shows are great entertainment and fashion/costume design fun.

One reason I 'slept in' today in is that just before going to Zzz's, I watched ONE MORE TIME, the great film MARGIN CALL, which is a scripted story version of the fall of Lehman Brothers Bank, which set the 2007-2008 USA financial crisis into its final and most severe phase.

(The film was made in 2011) Watch it for free here: --- https://tubitv.com/movies/299590/margin-call.


I would say (unhesitatingly) that the film is a very important drama, and every American should watch it for the emotional and mental lessons it yields through its dramatic storytelling. It is a very realistic portrayal of how life on Wall Street exists. How corrupt the banking industry is. How amoral the banking industry is. How malevolently sociopathic the banking industry is. If one watches the film and is not profoundly shaken (emotionally) to see how LIFE IN THE USA is just a thread away from social chaos at any time, then one really missed the point of what the story is obviating. RULES? You think American industry and American politics operate on rules anymore? Oh gosh, that would be a belief of terrible naivety if held. THERE ARE NO RULES anymore in any sector of life in the USA. If there were, for example, the covid 'vax' would not have been put out because it was/is against all rules of science--- and against the law. That's just one example. RULES? Corruption has so fogged the idea of rules it's staggering.


VERY IMPORTANT TO HEAR THIS NEXT clip all the way to end


And btw, I strongly encourage that you watch the film MARGIN CALL because the most useful lesson it conveys is that THE OVERALL USA ECONOMY is hanging on dental floss and could easily implode AT ANY MOMENT with the slightest push from any "black swan event." You need to realize that. Our economy is a trashed and corrupt horror-house, and it willllll implode. It's just a matter of time, and the WHEN ---will skew more toward sooner -- than later.

Now (smile) All that having been said. I am having a partially pleasant day. Partially disappointing.... It's very warm and sunny here, and I went out to go to the park and enjoy the sunshine. HOWEVER the disappointing part is that I had to cut my stay short because the evil DC government sent planes overhead to drop a horrifying spate of CHEMTRAILS CHEMICALS on us here down below. I literally sprang back home (Do you know what chemtrails are? It's not a goofy conspiracy theory, it's real. It's genuine and real.)...



Anyway, other than that, I'm in a decent mood (all things considered, as the saying goes).

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HUMOR (real story) --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcEt2-yUWac

This is a funny story. Ana took too long to get to the gist of it and hit all the funny parts, but it is a funny story. Funny as to how overbearing some airbnb hosts are with rules. AND funny at how egotistically absurd some people in general can be. The funniest part, though, is later in the clip when co-host John is trying to get into equivocal nuances --and Ana playfully upbraids him and quips---- This is America John. No nuances allowed anymore. You must take a side!...... That was effin FUNNY. (lol/smile)... But think about it: You rent an large airbnb expressly to have a party. And as you try to get it going, your AirBnB host turns into a cub scout den-mother from hell. LOL LOL. Also, I looked at the security camera picture, and it really was not automatically incriminating. The party could have been raging strong still at 3am, and one gal just playfully came up on the guy's "six" to be teasing and playful. Doesn't mean they were smashing or kissing, and so it's not automatically an indictment he was cheating on his wife..... And-- Would I myself have refused to pay the $900 surcharge?? Damn right.

Also, in the 1990's and early 2000's, I owned and ran a high-ticket party entertainme