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Shud USA public automatically TRUST fed gov't as "honest"? - R U cuckoo?

By from net, Posted in Other

The following is recording of a phone convo in 1964 when LBJ informed his then prez campaign rival Sen. Barry Goldwater that he was about to announce -- North Vietnamese small boats had torpedo stuck for the second time in a few days, a large US warship in the Vietnamese Gulf of Tonkin. [Does that even sound logical? Small boats attack a huge warship? WTF?].. Historically this supposed SET OF INCIDENTS was used as predicate to LAUNCH THE USA into a full scale war in Vietnam.

Only one big problem with the story...THE GULF OF TONKIN alleged attacks on US Shipcraft, never happened. IT WAS A LIE. Fake news. A fabricated story. Our nation was put into WAR over fake news concocted by the Government.

This is just one of many many examples which could be used to indicate that CONFERRING UNCONDITIONAL BLIND NAIVE TRUST on the supposed honesty and integrity of the federal government ON ANY MATTER, is quite without logical justification and is horrendously stupid. The federal government lies to us repeatedly, and yes over VERY BIG matters (*If you like your policy keep your policy, if you like your doctor keep your doctor. *All we have to do to calm the Mideast is take out Bin Laden. *Certainly we went to the moon in 1969, with a spaceship computer that couldn't even run a smartphone. *Of course Hillary Clinton is healthy. You didn't see her fall in the street. You just thought you did. *Well sure we have photos of Mossad agents wiring explosives into the WTC but what makes you think Mossad and the CIA staged 9/11/01? Get serious, that's impossible. )... You have to examine things and take their claims as they come. If you're intelligent. And sober... You never confer to the gov't UNCONDITIONAL NAIVE BLIND TRUST. Over ANYTHING... including vaccines, GMO food, and chemtrails. AND the possibility of rigged elections.

LBJ CALLS BARRY G. - begin at 1:20 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIQFBj1UrJk