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DOJ insider source - Hillary team is planning "fake mass shooting dramas"

By from confidential source, Posted in Commentary

A DOJ insider source tells us confidentially - "Hillary will hang her hat for hoping to win the election on FAKE GUN VIOLENCE EVENTS. Psyop events that the corrupt news media pretends are real... VERY DRAMATIC events, which make it seem like the whole country is coming literally unhinged with gun violence. This will be done to try giving her control of the public narrative - saying AT LONG LAST ITS TIME TO MOVE FOR MORE GUN CONTROL AND TO BAN THE AR-15." Source says "This is going to be done because SHE HAS NO OTHER issue try getting leverage with. She has no economic expertise, her foreign affairs record is calamitous, her honesty is a non-existent. She has nothing else, no other card to play but fear, trying to scare the public over the second amendment sensitivity. Her boss John Podesta and George Soros in concert with the CIA and Mossad, will order SEVERAL VERY DRAMATIC FAKE NEWS EVENTS seeming to be quite horrifying mass shootings. All of them fake events, and all of them or almsot all of them, centering on the AR-15. Which IN REALITY is not any significant social problem. All the drama about it comes from staged fake news events like Sandy Hook." --Source further says..."The main event of the staged fake news events will happen in September. The election surprise this year will not be an October surprise, it will be a September surprise and it will be a very dramatic staged fake mass shooting. Count on it. The psyop plan is set. Many people know but few will talk - out of fear of reprisals from operatives for Hillary. And as to how the CIA and Mossad get away with staging all these fake shooting dramas and fake terrorism dramas?... Its easy, all the big players in government are in on the psyop game. You saw what Comey did recently in letting Hillary off. So do your really think the FBI and the DOJ are about justice, or are controlled political tools? Think clearly."

DTRI Editor's note - Source also told us... "In one or more of these fake events being planned, BIG CELEBRITIES will appear to have been shot/killed, but it will be another illuminati CELEBRITY SNUFFING hoax. They will be paid huge money, relocated with new identities, and live their remaining years in lavish luxury."


