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TRUMP and binge TV viewing ... a dysfunctional romance based on ignroance?

By from net, Posted in Politics / National


DTRI Editor's note --- If one wants to be well informed, is gorging on consumption of sheeple-centric echo-chamber FAKE NEWS TV media ....the way? Might some of that or much of that time be better spent meeting with esoteric experts who can tell him what's REALLY going on in the world, versus listening to cheesy, mediocrity-informed cable TV pundits? Ruddy did not dispel the weirdness of the TRUMP~TV story -by trying to equivocate/soften the image --of Trump as a TV watching addict. Apparently Trump IS an addict of the news media he regularly calls out as FAKE NEWS propagandists. That's sort of like being the spouse of an abuser, and not leaving them. Yah?
