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The MATHIS THEORY --- Nothing happend in Dealey Plaze that "fateful day" in 1963 - JFK WAS NOT SHOT

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

We know the Zapruder and Nix films are totally fake, because the sign and lamp post (on Zapruder's side of the street) and the lamp post (on the Nix side) do not move relative to the background. There is no parallax, in other words. The motorcade and the shooting scene were filmed in one place, and Dealey Plaza was pasted in.



(MILES MATHIS) -- [edited summary]

The crowds were so sparse in Dealey Plaza that he didn't have to shoot over anyone. Zapruder is supposed to be shooting from that white wall back there. But no one is in front of him. Why not shoot from the curbside? And besides, people were stepping out into the street to take pictures, as we know from the pictures themselves (see below). We can see from Zapruder's and Bell's own films that there were no ropes and no police presence to keep picture takers on the grass or at a safe distance. Zapruder had no need to back up a hundred yards. We must assume he did it for a reason, and the best assumption to make is that he did it under orders.

The correct question is not, "Where is Kennedy's corpse?" If the Zapruder film is fake and the corpse is fake, then we have no evidence that Kennedy was killed at all. All we have is a bunch of eye-witness testimony that a guy in a car who looked like Kennedy appeared to be wounded, and a bunch of ear witness testimony of shots fired. That is not proof of anything. We have already seen that Oswald faked being hit (a second too early), with no blood, but because it was done on camera, with the world watching, we think we have a billion witnesses. Yes, we have a billion witnesses to a guy falling down after a shot is heard. We have witnesses to nothing. Likewise, with Kennedy. We have witnesses to absolutely nothing. It may have been the murder of a President, the murder of a body double, or a complete act.

The shadow government always existed. I think it is possible, even probable, that disinformation is being purposely broadcast by all sides; and it is also possible, even probable, that those who hatched the Kennedy plot are in control of both sides and both theories, both for and against, both the standard model and the alternate model.

But we have no film or photo from which is possible to ID the occupants of the car, once it reaches Dealey Plaza. Zapruder and all other films and photos from Dealey Plaza are not of a quality to determine if we are looking at the Kennedys or doubles. We can see lots of people taking pictures in Dealey Plaza, but they always manage to shoot from far away or behind. And Zapruder is the least clear of all. From Zapruder, it is hardly possible to identify the car in exact details, much less the occupants.

As I have shown, we have NO evidence that the Kennedys are in the car in the Zapruder film. Lacking continuity, we only have what we can see, and what we can see is people who look like the Kennedys from a distance. We know that the Kennedys traveled with look-alikes, so this is proof of absolutely nothing. Given the evidence we have, it is possible (and, I would say, almost a surety) that Jack Kennedy is not in that car in Dealey Plaza. Given this, it simply doesn't matter if the films or photos were tampered with or faked. Even in complete and perfect form, they don't prove or even indicate anything. The only thing they indicate is that someone that looks like Kennedy got hit in the head by something.

Given the quality of the films and photos, it could have been a bullet or a tomato. We have no way of knowing. I think the Zapruder film was tampered with, but even if we accept the final cut as genuine, the "fatal hit" still looks more like a man getting hit by a tomato from the front than it does a man getting shot from either the front or the back. As a matter of ballistics, the fatal hit doesn't look like a bullet hitting anything. Any honest firearms expert would tell you that.

Entry wounds don't look like that at all, and exit wounds don't have a spray pattern like that.

THEORY: I could say that the US government chose to go underground on that day, November 22, 1963, and that this is the way they chose to do it. Kennedy wanted more secrecy and what better way to achieve that than to take the entire Presidency underground?

This is not to say that Kennedy had to live in Iron Mountain and never see the light of day again, it is just to say that he had to quit making public appearances, had to hide his movements, and so on. Other people have done that for decades, people without the resources of the White House and the federal government.

Naysayers will argue that this is impossible. Naysayers make the same argument about 911, and it holds the same amount of water here as it does there: none. They say that things can't be kept secret, that people can't disappear, and so on. Complete balderdash, of course, since we have any number of examples of both. Lots of things are kept secret for decades, and people that aren't dead disappear all the time. The official report of the assassination is proof of this itself. Even if you believe the Warren Commission, you must be aware that certain secrets still exist.

Do you know what is going on in Iron Mountain, in the Pentagon, in Los Alamos, in Guantanamo, in Langley, VA, in Merida, Mexico, on every small island dotting the coast of North America? No. Taking the Presidency underground would be a small concern, compared to other things the government does everyday. You fake a death, put another guy in the White House as a front (Johnson), and then call in your orders on the phone. You could even hide Jack at Hyannisport or Martha's Vineyard, with no inconvenience to him or the family. Do you know what goes on at the Kennedy estates?

The TBD building was not uncontrolled; it was controlled by the bad guys, whoever they were, and they were part of the government. Although I agree that the building was controlled, I make a different assumption about who was controlling it. I assume that since Kennedy was in control of the overall event, his men must have been in full control of that entire part of the city. That means that they were in full control of the crowd and all the buildings. If windows were left open, they were not left open to encourage snipers, they were left open to be conspicuous pieces in a play. To say it another way, the whole motorcade was like a Hollywood movie. Yes, they were shooting a movie that day. In fact, they were shooting several. They hired multiple "amateur" cameramen to film their one-day movie, and a host of extras.

Everyone there that day, including Zapruder and Bell and all the rest, were extras in the movie. In that sense, they were all conspirators. But, remember, they were not conspirators to a murder, which makes it somewhat easier to understand. It made it so much easier for all these people to lie, since there was never any blood on anyone's hands that day. They were not lying about the assassination of a President; no, they were only lying about a President "going underground for his own safety." They were protecting their beloved Commander-in-Chief. We already have extensive proof that many of these people were insiders. Zapruder is the best example. Somehow he managed to bump into the Secret Service within moments of the shooting, and the film from his camera was taken by them to be developed. This is known, and yet it is not interpreted. As Sherlock would have said, "it is seen but not observed." Zapruder was an extra that day, probably a paid extra. Therefore nothing he did that day was an accident. It was all scripted. If he was too far away for a positive ID, that was no accident. If he had a companion to corroborate his story, that was no accident. If he ran into the Secret Service soon after the shooting, that was not serendipity. That was the plan.

Same thing with Bell. Why were both these cameramen shooting from a hundred yards away in Dealey Plaza, when we know people were snapping pictures from the curbside? It is not that Zapruder or Bell got there late. Zapruder tells us that he walked back to stand on the wall. But why would he do that?

The crowds were so sparse in Dealey Plaza that he didn't have to shoot over anyone. Zapruder is supposed to be shooting from that white wall back there. But no one is in front of him. Why not shoot from the curbside? And besides, people were stepping out into the street to take pictures, as we know from the pictures themselves (see below). We can see from Zapruder's and Bell's own films that there were no ropes and no police presence to keep picture takers on the grass or at a safe distance. Zapruder had no need to back up a hundred yards. We must assume he did it for a reason, and the best assumption to make is that he did it under orders.

From the curbside, he might have filmed something important. From back on the white wall, his film was useless except as propaganda. By the same token, the windows in the Book Depository were just part of the script, part of the movie that was being shot. They were open to cue the audience, to make it easy for the viewer to finger the position of the villain. More evidence in support of this is found by looking at the crowd in Dealey Plaza. This crowd has been studied in detail, but the big question has not been asked. That question is, "Why so few people?" You have blue skies and lots of green grass.

At some point late in the route, the switch was made, although of course I can't say precisely how. If all the spectators were extras, it makes it a lot easier to explain, since no one has to be fooled. It is more likely, however, that most of them were fooled somehow. The more of them you fool, the fewer of them you have to pay or threaten or convince.

In the 1963 Associated Press book entitled The Torch is Passed, we find these two photos: But again, each one disproves the other. In the first photo, the car only has two rows, and Connally is in the back seat with the Kennedys. In the second, the car has three rows, and Connally is with his wife in the second row, as expected. Also, the seats and trim in the first photo do not match the car in the second photo. In the first, the back seat is fancier, with some sort of metallic trim on split seats. We do not see that in the second photo. In the first photo, the door trim is straight, with no dip. In the second, we see the dip between second row and third. The door locks don't even match. I will be told one photo is from Fort Worth and the other is from Dallas, but Jackie has the same outfit on. Do you think someone like her is going to wear the same thing in Dallas she just wore in Fort Worth? That would be like the most popular girl in class wearing the same fancy dress two days in a row. It would also imply they had two different Presidential limos for Fort Worth and Dallas, although the cities are adjacent. Here's another photo with major continuity problems: I noticed immediately that didn't look like JFK, so I looked more closely at the photo. The car doesn't match. Compare the car to the previous photo. First of all, the flag doesn't have gold trim in this one. Second, this car has no side-view mirrors. It should have two on this side, but it has none. Third, the partial window in front of Connally isn't right. It is far too narrow and doesn't connect to the top bar in the same way.


So all the eyewitness testimony is meaningless. Only those near the center could give reliable testimony, and they were all paid to lie.

The real reason the two parties have switched every 8 years or so is that this is part of the deal. The parties don't care, they don't ask, and they don't tell, not about Kings and not about anything else, as long as they get a piece of the pie. This should now be clear. We can see that the parties and the major players in Congress and elsewhere don't care about any shadow government, not by the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the Federal Reserve, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Tri-lateral Commission, or anyone else. If they don't care about the shadow governments we know we have, why should we be surprised to find that the parties don't care about shadow governments we don't know we have? If they aren't concerned about the CIA running amok, why should we be surprised to find that they don't care about an underground King? Many were surprised that the Democrats did little or nothing to get rid of the computers, after the computers stole two Presidential elections from them in 2000 and 2004. But the Democrats had no interest in getting rid of the computers or any other election stealing devices, 1) because the elections were rigged with the knowledge and connivance of the Democrats to start with -it wasn't their turn; 2) the Democrats looked forward to using the election stealing devices in 2008, which they did. You might also want to remind yourself what kind of Presidents we have had since Nixon. Ford, the non-entity, ruled by his Rockefeller Vice President. Carter, the peanut farmer who came out of nowhere. Reagan, the actor. Bush, his sniveling VP and ex-CIA director. Clinton, the snake-oil salesman from Arkansas. Bush, Jr., the monkey in a suit. It was not a coincidence that all of them were mainly actors. As Sting said in a song, "They all look like game-show hosts to me." This was not true before Nixon. Why was it true after Nixon? It is because the Presidency had by then become only a front. Johnson and Nixon had taken the part semi-seriously. They had tried to slake their ambition in an old-fashioned way, despite knowing that everything had changed. But after Nixon was taken down, the Presidency was only an empty charade, and everyone knew that. It was an opportunity for sleeping, with Ford, for grinning and shucking with Carter, for posing on horses for Reagan. After Reagan, the position became standardized. It was just a series of photo ops and canned Teleprompter speeches aboard aircraft carriers and on ranches, such as any circus barker could have done. Everyone knew that there must be someone behind this cardboard cut-out, someone capable of making real decisions. Half-heartedly we have thought to ourselves that maybe it was Hoover or Kissinger or Greenspan or Cheney, as the case may be, but have never felt satisfied by this. In this void the other conspiracy theories set themselves up, from secret commissions to the CFR to alien oversight. How much more simple and rational it is now that we see the truth. Many of us had wanted a King, a Camelot, and we have been granted that wish. The Lady of the Lake came up from Hollywood carrying the sword Excaliber, in the sheath of secrecy, and the Kennedys retreated to the confines of Avalon, ruling us from beneath the waves with a sorcery worthy of Merlin. We know we have shadow governments. Even the conspiracy theorists take Kennedy's own word for it, quoting him in a thousand places. So how is it shocking to discover that the Kennedys were, and still are, this shadow government? What is most shocking, perhaps, is how obvious and logical the discovery actually is. A Congress that would accept 911 false flag operations, Military Tribunals Acts, Patriot Acts, Homeland Security Acts (named after Hitler's own acts), loss of habeas corpus, and so on, would hardly stick at having a King, would they? Another fact that confirms this is that Clinton always leaned toward the conspiracy theories before he became President. He didn't believe the Warren Commission. Suddenly, once he was President, he changed his mind. Why? He was briefed.