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Dropping DACA, the WH message is clear, self-deport within the next 6 months

By from net, Posted in Immigration






The thing is though the way they are doing this is MORE LIKELY to cause ultimate institutionalization of some form of DACA, than toss it. DO YOU GET IT? Its a game...





The GLOBALIST OPEN BORDER ADVOCATE loonies are fast out in full swing trying to claim that SIMPLY ENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAW is racism and bigotry... Nutcase Paul Krugman (Is he an expert on anything? He's not even accurate on the economy).... Krugman is sent out to rant. Krugman is an illuminati/Rothschild-NWO "made man" on the COUNCIL of 300, and he was sent out to shout RACISM!

He ranted the ACTUAL IMMIGRATION LAW is now being enforced because Trump and his allies want to "make America white again," while "acting tough for the sake of acting tough."

A pretty laughable voicing of nonsense, simply showing in bold relief that the bolshevik left want to kill the constitution, promote lawlessness and destroy the society, all in the posed advocacy of "equality".