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VIDEO DISCLOSURE - State Police in Charlottsville attack peaceful protesters for no reason

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags


Charlottesville was set up to incite violence because the leftist local government wanted it shut down. They hate the first amendment and they hate America, they want it shaped in theIr image of anti-white and anti- wholesome values. The FAKE NEWS media called this a "white supremacists neo - Nazi rally" in order to discredit it, and hide the fact that the rally was organized to protest the removal of the historical Robert E. Lee statue at Lee park. THAT's ALL... Supposed KKKers were infiltrated inward to make the rally look bad. The FAKE NEWS mainstream media hid the fact that the rally was permitted, but shut down because the left's violence. In doing so, they pressured the world to demonize the nonviolent organizers of the rally. Therefore the mainstream media can not be trusted. In this video, Richard Spencer and Nathan Damigo, the founder of Identity Evropa, display their courage by standing up to the unlawful shutdown of their permitted rally.

The left-wing extremist local government of Charlottesville initially attempted to pull the permit for the rally days before it happened. They were sued by the organizers, and the judges forced the city government to reinstate the permit. Still, the vile leftwing city was not willing to let this rally happen without a fight. They were planning to shut it down before it even happened.



Everything Is Twisted About Charlottesville | Jack Posobiec Periscope
