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INSIDER EXPOSE paints radically shocking picture of Trump WH - POTUS not in control, Kissinger running the regime FOR THE GLOBALISTS, thru Kushner

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

THIS IS A LONG BUT DETAILED AND TRULY UPSETTING REPORT (on this next link). The horrific deception of the Trump Campaign (and Trump Presidency) was in the fabric of Trump & Co.. from day one. Only it was carefully hidden form you and the public has been wickedly conned. Donald is as much a swamp monster as anyone ever was, and he's NOT going to MAGA. He's going to let the warmongers, police state tyrants, false flag perpetrators, banking & industry thieves, and Zio-NWO globalists... run wild. -- FULL REPORT WITH MANY DETAILS HERE:



Clearly Trump and his administration are in no way representative of political outsiders or their interests, being connected to just about every conspiratorial faction present in the Western world from the conservative and liberal Anglo-American WASP leagues to the Jewish-Zionist-Russian criminal syndicate to the militaristic sunbelt-based CNP neoconservative junta. These very sanctioned gangs have through their various media operations duped a substantial proportion of the American population into believing with unshakable conviction that a blackmailed inveterate con-artist and swindler who supports continued warmongering and the expansion of the surveillance and police states is truly on their side and will fight for them as opposed to the people who funneled Trump into his final and most awesome acting gig.

Although it can certainly be established that Trump and his administration are squarely in the right-wing establishment camp, who is calling the shots in the administration is not Trump himself nor is it ever going to be, Trump himself is insulated from the rest of the administration by his circle of close advisors - Kushner, Bannon & Stephen Miller, who are not so much real decision makers or power brokers as they are handlers and go-betweens. As it stands, most of the key higher level secretaries and national security officials in the administration appear to be empty suits (except for Tillerson), McMaster in particular - his expertise appears to be spouting off military jargon and groveling to elite think tanks. (Likely he's literally taking his orders from Henry Kissinger and the CFR, as we know other national security advisors have in the past.) Other key defense establishment officials appear at least at first glance to be serving at the behest of the defense contractors who stand to gain tremendously from the Trump administration's agenda.

Luke Rudkowski - The Real Truth Behind Henry Kissinger and Donald Trump's Relationship










Archives - begin at 5:15

Reasons Why Did Trump Fill His Cabinet With CFR Members?



April 13, 2017 by Paul Mirengoff | PowerlineUS

What is the Trump administration's domestic policy?

Rich Lowry, whom I quoted here on the meaning of Steve Bannon's apparent fall from grace, offers more on the subject. In a piece for Politico, he writes:

No one can know for sure how this ends. Perhaps it's all papered over, or maybe Bannon keeps his head down to fight another day. But it's hard to see how Kushner doesn't prevail in one form or other, together with the faction including his wife, Ivanka Trump, the influential economic adviser and former Goldman Sachs president, Gary Cohn, and deputy national security adviser, Dina Powell. SO THEN--- Who says bipartisanship is dead? With the exception of Powell - a non-ideological Republican - this group is all Democrats, and not lunch-bucket Democrats, but ladies-who-lunch Democrats who have marinated for decades in the financial and social elite of Manhattan. Their ascendancy would potentially represent Trumpism's Thermidor. If Jared and Ivanka end up running the joint, it'd be hard to overstate the turnabout from last year's campaign.



Sunday, June 25, 2017 by W. James Antle III | Washington Examiner

Trump's new approach to domestic policy: Strategic patience... The new White House has given up on strategic patience when it comes to foreign affairs, but on domestic issues, President Trump seems to have nothing but time. That was Trump's argument recently when he was pressed on reports that he's giving ground on border wall funding, and that other priorities, like Obamacare repeal, will also be delayed...... "Yeah, yeah sure, we have plenty of time, got a lot of time," Trump said



THE SECRETS of the plotting 'ELITE' - NWO Anonymous Documentary (Must Watch!)




