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THE FEARPON PHONY HOAX OF NORTH KOREA as a "danger". To grasp the psyop hoax's foundation, you must learn the truth about WW2

By from net, Posted in Commentary

THERE IS NO "REAL" DANGER FORM NORTH KOREA - this 'danger' idea is a massive longform psyop hoax



Let's use our logical minds, some rational thought and critical thinking for a moment. Over there [NORTH KOREA] you have an economically week, population fractional, military limited...VERY VERY SMALL NATION called North Korea. Over here you have 320 million people and a military which spends each year more than the next six countries combined. So then, does the idea of the small limited economically weak fractional nation PLAYING MILITARY "CHICKEN" with the United States government MAKE any sense at all, ANY sense at all.. ANY? Nooooooooo.


Would you even put it into the storyline of a cheesy stupid implausible B movie? Noooooooo. So then under what circumstances could such a scenario, under what circumstances, and in what realm, would such a scenario be "plausible"......... Actually---- None! EVER. Its not in any way shape or form realistic or plausible, in any universe of rational thought.



Also by the way (in case you didn't know) LARGE NUCLEAR WEAPONS do not exit. They are a worldwide promoted fiction of the NWO. Look up the proving documentaries on youtube - search "nuclear weapons DO NOT EXIST".

Are you aghast yet with wonder at these statements? And do you doubt the claim NUKE BIG WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST? Do we sound flat out absurd TO YOU?

What?---- you say.... How can we make such naive declarations?... the North Korean leader is crazy and the government of this same nation is crazy. DID YOU SAY THAT? Gosh if you did we're sorry to inform you YOU'RE (temporarily) CRAZY. You've been reading too much fake history and you believe all the lies about Hitler and World War 2 (the whole story of world War 2 you were taught is a bunch of massive lies). People that crazy do not get to remain in a national presidential position (if they ever get to them) for long enough to start a war. They just don't; if they are that crazy and they somehow get to office, their own ranks take them out pretty quickly. UNDERSTAND SOMETHING KEY AND IMPORTANT-- the whole story of Hitler and World War Two is a lie. There was no 6 million gassed holocaust (its Zionist promoted psyop fiction), the Nazis were not en-masse monsters, Germany did not start World War Two, Germany was not out to conquer the world, and Hitler was not a madman. NWO/Rothschild-controlled ENGLAND started and engineered world War Two (aiming to destroy its over-achieving economic competitor GERMANY). Hitler was merely doing what he had to do to fight back and against an attempted cluster f*ck by UK's allies, and he was not a madman, he was a nationalist and a social-economic progressive and reformer, who turned his nation in short time into a mega economic regime and progressive society. The whole FAKE history of WW2 you were taught is all made up *history fearporn* propaganda. (*)

So then once you get that goofy implausible version of World War Two out of your mind, the idea that the North Korean Government lets a 30+ year old kid put them on the brink of a shooting war with the United States--- is completely, utterly, totally ridiculous.

So you say well then WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON? What's going on is you are being played for a massive naive fool ONE MORE TIME by the NWO. You see the NWO created communism and instigated all communist revolutions which made all communist countries communist. Including North Korea AND CHINA, and in 1917 (then) SOVIET RUSSIA.. So North Korea is a controlled property of the NWO Rothschild Cartel (as are all major nations of the world INCLUDING THE USA). But wait- what- are we saying then so ALSO is the long-ago-hijacked US government, controlled by the Rothschild NWO, right? Yes indeed. SO BOTH NORTH KOREA AND THE USA are controlled by the Rothschild NWO. So.... what is this seeming stand off between the North Korea and an the civilized world?--- Its a sick evil joke being played upon you. A goony PSYOP of fearporn to fool you. Just an ED WOOD style crazy NWO psyop production


To fool you! --The NWO is considering you a naive fool and playing you with fearporn so you support and endorse whatever madness they are trying to cook up.



AND THEY ARE ALSO TRYING TO PROMOTE A POSSIBLE WAR UPON NORTH KOREA (for what reason? North Korea sits on mineral resources worth $7 TRILLION dollars)


Why China is resistant to helping Trump effect North Korea regime change:

begin at 3:00 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5SwU5rbiCc

The North Korean standoff with the civilized world is merely a ridiculous PSYOP. But we must taunt you a bit if you did not see that right away. How could you not see that right away, after all these years, after 9/11 truth, Sandy Hook truth, etc.Thus, after all you've learned, how could you believe in and subscribe to any conspicuous histrionic fearporn psyop -as possible to be REAL? You should be SEEING RIGHT THRU IT as a bizarre and unfunny cartoon script. Ther is no organic reality to this standoff whatsoever at all. The NWO psyoppers are lying to you and putting on a show. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS PSYOP NONSENSE. North Korea poses no REAL danger to the USA because its NWO controlled. Any danger it SEEMS to present is posed. And any military action which may ensure is PUPPETED by the NWO

ALL MODERN DAY warfare is "both sides controlled" by the NWO. So realize that and withdraw support for any of this unnecessary madness.



(*) --- THE VICIOUSLY EXTREME RACIST of yesteryear, GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL.... told a lot of of truth but poisoned what he said by adjoining it with hateful extreme racism. WE THINK HE WAS probably CONTROLLED OPPO run by the Rothschild NWO. If you filter out his odious racism from his his remarks he tells a lot of truth -- even though he (seemingly was) a limited hangout psyop.

Once you subtract the FICTION that NAZIS were atrocity prone monsters and gassed 6 million jews in a holocaust (fiction) then the commentaries of George Lincoln Rockwell (mostly considered a mad radical at the time of this next interview) --a lot in his commentaries becomes somewhat comprehensible. Well let's consider the POSSIBILITY he was sincere, not a psyop, IF he was sincere, WHAT HE DID NOT UNDRSTAND AT THE TIME was --he was really talking about the NWO forces of the Zionist Rothschild Cartel. He was perceiving and outing that that NWO long range plan is culture mixing and race mixing ("diverrrrrsity!* + *globalism*) -- to dilute national identities and dissolve sovereign national will in nations across the world - in to order to effect a tyrannical one world government TAKEOVER with no NATIONHOOD resistance to the takeover. Yes Rockwell was a hateful racist and racial separatist but at the time one could not understand reasons for anyone- being a cultural reactionary.

ROCKWELL - begin at 15:00 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmvpQfaTtyc

ITS VERY POSSIBLE (even likely) that ROCKWELL himself was an NWO psyop - a limited hangout truth teller, tainted by the hateful form of racism he espoused so as to DEMONIZE truth about the ZIONISTS and the culture mixing plan of the NWO.
