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REVEALED - Trump, Putin, Iranain Leaders, Israel, Rothschild Bankers, CIA, Mi6, Mossad, FSB - are all "political cousins". To promotw wars, they have MSM stir, deceive, manipulate, antagonize & brainwash -- YOU THE PUBLIC

By from net, Posted in Commentary

(Analysis & Commentary by researcher HENRY MAKOW) --

"The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?" (Protocols of Zion-11)

While I had as much satisfaction as anyone from the humiliation Vlad Putin dealt the Zionists in Georgia some years back, I wasn't seduced into thinking Russia is actually a fully independent entity apart and distinct from the macabre NWO monster. Its a chesspiece in a wholly owned NWO gameboard.

(Yes the 'West' is predominately and pervasively Zionist controlled. But yet now pause to think, why would Russia be portrayed in media as independent from Zionism? Its richest elite is Jewish, having good linkages with Russian security.....the traditional Jewish tool in Russia, which brought Putin and his secret service friends into power, at the behest of the Jew and their agendas.)

AT THE SAME TIME to equate the New World Order with simply BEING Zionism is incorrect. Zionism is one pincer in the NWO, but not the whole game. The other beguiling flank is controlled oppo -- Opposition-to-Zionism, represented by Russia's Putin and Iran government. The Rothschild's control them BOTH through MI-6.

(The NWO is Jewish to be more exact---Jewish world government, where the Talmud tells the esoterically brainwashed Jew that the earth belongs to them.....for them to rule over all others......)

In the case of Iran, the historical relationship of the UK to Iran is massive.......and London ahead of FATA, is the number one hoarding ground for Islamic terrorists, and ...fugitive Jewish billionaires.

This dialectic polarization succeeds the Nazi- Communist one of WW2..... KEEP IN MIND, You can't have a Third World War unless you have two bristling, antagonistic "sides", each proclaiming their own self righteousness, and falsely demonizing the other thru relentless propaganda. That's how the evil game is played....This time around, Putin and Iran have been cast as defenders of Nation and Religion. But don't be fooled. This is the Rothschild Modus Operandi. They routinely simulate the opposition or pretend to fight themselves. (Read Protocols 12 and 17 for examples.)... This way they can initiate profitable conflicts and orchestrate the outcome. Meanwhile the idealistic plebes fight and die for a "good cause." How do I support this view of Putin? To begin with, his body language. Putin doesn't have the gravitas to be anything more than a front man. Did you see how comfortable he is with George W. ? They are both veterans from central casting. If Putin were for real, he wouldn't be able to stand W's presence.

For those who demand more substantial proof, I spent a half-hour on Google. I learned that Putin is on intimate terms with the head of the largest faction of Russian Jewry, the Chabad Lubavichers. The Rebbe relates how when young Vlad was hungry, they fed him and he has felt gratitude ever since. Maybe they're still feeding him? Remember this is an anti-Zionist!

(Putin has never stated publicly he is anti-Zionist, however as a credible nationalistic leader he has to follow the mood of the Russian people, and in superficial tactical concession to this he cryptically nodded in the direction of Anti-semitism by referring to them as 'Jackals', and has reigned in one or two out of the 100 or more Jewish Oligarch's who stole and hoarded Russia's wealth under Yeltsin. His alleged anti-Zionism is thus quite superficial.)

What he should have done as a proper Russian leader is hold a comprehensive state inquiry exposing the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks and the murder of 60 million Soviet citizens and a decent state memorial to the victims, but Putin still glorifies the Communist era as a great period of Russian history to be proud of, and Stalin the Jew competes with the Czar as the most favored Russian still.

Putin should have also held a Public enquiry into the crimes of the Yeltsin era...........Yeltsin is still portrayed in Russia as a cuddly drunk clown who was a little misguided, that's all!

Also, Putin should have dealt with ALL the Jewish Oligarchs, regardless of the overt/covert nature of their criminality................he should have confiscated all their assets and sent them off to Israel along with the rest of the corrupt Zionists in Russia.

To do these things would be to put real perspective and understanding of Russian history, and failure to do so would risk repeating the mistakes of the past ........ Who is to say that in the near future the Jewish Oligarchs do not elect one DISTINCTLY of their own, change his name and he becomes leader of Russia as in the old times under the Bolsheviks, and the same round of problems ensue.

Then I found the website of an MI-6 defector Richard Tomlinson who trained with young KGB agent Putin. They both learned to serve the Illuminati who were 'born to rule', the self-elected custodians of society.

Putin was brainwashed and controlled by MI-6 and may still be. This may explain his muted reaction to the sinking of the Kursk by the US and the Beslan massacre aided and abetted by MI-6. Tomlinson says Putin was a Royal Arch Freemason but is no longer a Freemason and has broken free of his mind programming. I wonder.

(To some, the idea that an organization like MI-6 with 2000 members somehow literally hand picked the future leaders of Russia in a banana republic roughshod way, from the ranks of the old KGB with its staff of 700,000 is a little bit unbelievable, given the fact that the KGB was quite an effective organization at one time and was infiltrating Western leaders. But then again with the Rothschild's connection, and the Third World like collapse of the old Soviet Union, when everything was extremely fluid inside Russia, the idea becomes plausible.)

Inside the political establishment of Iran everybody is concerned about crypto-Jews that have a strong grip on the most influential politicians just by having corrupted them all or they know about their dirty past, for example : Mohsen Rezaei ex-commander of Revolutionary Guard said last summer: "Ahmadinejad's mother is a Jew, and from the establishment of Islamic republic in 1979, the crypto-Jews were in the highest position in decision making in the State." This would go a long way towards explaining his theatrics and rhetoric just at the right time. He was been picked by the mullahs to serve a second term as President given his great record, and forget democracy and free choice in Iran, Khamenei the whore of the Jew made his choice for the 70 million Persians.

In doing so we should not rule out the possibility that Colonel Reza Shah who came to power in Iran in 1921 with British help, a man who could not read or write and an officer in the Persian Cossack Brigade, may have been Jewish also, and thus so too his son Shah Pahlavi who had more than excellent relations with Israel..............We see this game has been going for quite a while. One wonders which of the 60 odd leaders of Muslim nations are Jewish also.

"Ahmadinejad was our greatest gift," Halevy once told a television network reporter. "We couldn't carry out a better operation at the Mossad than to put a guy like Ahmadinejad in power in Iran."



Americans have been effectively disenfranchised. They get to vote for the Neo-Con of their choice. Obama's logo is the familiar Illuminati dot in circle & rising sun motif. His motto "Change" is great if you like Communism. Obama was financed in his 2004 Senate race by George Soros and this Rothschild cut-out again financed him again in 2008.

Donald Trump is totally Rothschild controlled with former Rothschild Corporation VP Wilbur Ross at his one side, and Mossad embed Jared Kushner at his other side.

Meanwhile Randy Scheunemann is John McCain's chief foreign policy adviser. He has also worked for the Republic of Georgia and for George Soros' Open Society Policy Center. (See his Wikipedia entry.) In addition, McCain has been accurately accused of taking improper donations from the Rothschilds. So you see, both sides are beholden to the Rothschilds. Americans have been disenfranchised. But then, duped slaves always are.


I won't bore you with details when all you really need is the paradigm. Our political life is a grotesque carnival designed to convince the rubes they live in a democracy. This is so they will pay taxes and lay down their lives for their betters.

Our rulers have determined that we shall have no real say in our collective future. Like livestock, we will chew our collective cud on sex, drugs, toys and trivia, which they will supply in abundance. This explains why the mass media (incl. movies) and education long ago ceased to deal in reality, or teach civics or history. Instead they are purveyors of deception and conformity. The US election is really a job competition where a shortlist of candidates vie for the privilege of deceiving the public and constantly implementing the banker agenda. Even this process is fixed, as the bankers naturally prefer the most corrupt and dissolute and therefore most blackmail-able and obedient faux-leader.

There hasn't been a President in the last 100 years who hasn't been controlled by the Rothschilds via the Rockefellers. The ones that resisted were poisoned (Harding); murdered (JFK) or framed (Nixon). The bankers use the US as the Zionist half of their dialectic leading to world government. At the same time, the US is weakened so it can be properly submerged.

Our world is a B-movie Horror where the town's leading citizens secretly join a satanic cult and betray everybody else. This is essentially the position of people who align themselves with the central bankers, which is a prerequisite for success in most fields today. This is why so many of our "leaders" are drunks and perverts. They have sold their souls to the devil and know it. Our "leadership" class belongs to an international satanic cult beholden to the Cabalist (i.e. Masonic) central bankers. The mass media and education systems function to legitimize the criminals, perverts and traitors, the so-called "leaders."

Don't doubt for a moment -- mankind DOES have the smarts to solve all its problems but we are being actively sabotaged thru media brainwashing by the money-masters. Our collective life is a fraud because our national credit is controlled by private banking families. They are inaugurating a new Dark Age that may last for eternity. The tragic wars that have marred modern history and inflicted unspeakable suffering were caused by a relatively few sick minds who hate God and humanity. Their demented centuries-old plot is entering its final stage.

(HITLER, STALIN) Putin, Ahmadinejad, Obama and McCain are all stage actors. Rather than getting sucked into this pseudo drama by siding with one side or another, we need to make our own plans. Essentially we are on a bus driven by a psycho cabal. We need to find a way to get off.

Correspondent Source: Henry Makow

