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USA "DEM Party" massively losing PPL daily coz it now eschews real issues to rather promote OBVIOUSLY CRAZY MEMES, from the RussiaRussia obsession on out

By from net, Posted in Politics / National


RELATED - Max Keiser opines that the MSM & DEM madness of the RussiaRussia fake news ... partially reflects a covert power war within two NWO sectors of the USA intel world


BROADER WIDE ANGLE VIEW - DEM Party is losing adherents in droves daily because its promoting crazy positions across the spectrum:

Professor Bret Weinstein and Joe Rogan - declare... DEM party is self-inflicting a voter flight tsunami by abandoning concerns of the 'real people public' and becoming simply an NWO propaganda cult of bizarre memes unrelatable to any common sense mind: -- The RussiaRussia fake news, third gender bathrooms, brutal late term abortions, suppression of Pizzagate truth, suppression of 9/11 truth, advocacy of internet censorship, opposition to free speech, opposition to whistleblowers, love of overseas wars... Weinstein says the DEM 'radical left' BELIEF STRUCTURE has become "bizarre and unrecognizable from any normal position".


RELATED - Evergreen College Public Statement and Bret Weinstein Highlights on Joe Rogan (archives 6/3)



OTHER - Each week JOHN OLIVER becomes less a humorist and more a propagandist for the worst of the LEFT's propaganda lies. His latest rant is to be blindly ignorant about vaxing dangers, and believe establishment hype promoting all vaccines as "safe". Pretty far off the deep end on that one Oliver!


DTRI Editor's note - Likewise FOX NEWS CHANNEL is pushing viewers asunder daily by being on a binge to eschew its base, kiss up to LEFT memes, and abandon conservatives and libertarians.

'Combating Toxicity' is a cover excuse for installing wicked censorship of REAL NEWS
