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WOW this is weird, are we spotting THE SAME GUY at both 9/11/01 WTC psyop and the 2017 'baseball shooting' psyop? TAKE A LOOK, see what YOU think:

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

The 2017 'baseball park shooting' psyop in Alexandria VA

see the man to the left with striped tie... begin at 1:20


Now lets look 15.5 years ago to NYC and the day of 9/11 --- jump to 31:45 ... doesn't this look like the same guy (just 15 yrs younger)


Note also on this second clip at 4:10 TIM SLATER of FBI nervous emits duping delight smile AS ALSO DOES the uniformed skinny short guy behind him with gray hair to the right of the screen. HE'S SMILING. This kind of nervous smile when portraying a fabricated event is called DUPING DELIGHT