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America is being "Op GLADIO'ed" (played as if stupid)... Time to acknowledge and address what's obvious. The TRUMP presidency is an NWO "limited hangout" operation.

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories


Propagandist MARK WARNER INTERROGATES JEFF SESSIONS (over substantively..nothing)


What kind of freaking "low-information voter" fool does NOT realize Robert Mueller is a crook? AN ESTABLISHMENT "FOOL". That's what kind. Listen, Robert Muller's crimes are so vast it would take half a day just to summarize them, but let's just note and address just one of them for brevity. HE WORKED HARD TO SELL YOU THE FAKE STORY of 9/11 and he prevented a REAL INVESTIGATION of the event. He was shade, led the coverup, was/is a traitor to the nation. Do we need to rant on? HE's an EVIL CRIMINAL.


Now if we know that, and we are on the outside, how would AG -JEFF SESSIONS, a Washington INSIDER ---not--- know the same facts? Only one of two explanations: Jeff is such a brainwashed establishment insider he actually BELIEVES the fake official story of 9/11. ...Or.... he's such a brainwashed establishment insider HE NEVER TOOK THE TIME TO LOOK INTO 9/11 facts and come up with the realization it was a Mossad/CIA-run false flag. Those are the ONLY two rational explanation possibilities of Sessions "naivete" posture regarding Mueller and 9/11/01.


EITHER of those two possible explanations says... SESSIONS THUS is not going to be a guy who really drains the swamp. HE's an INSIDER...and will do LIMITED HANGOUT GAMES... He will pretend to be a populist and do some good things. But keep the biggest Zio-NWO sins of crime and corruption, under the mat.



And how come SESSIONS does not already know "RussiaRussia interfered" is a HOAX, that was made up by DNC, Crowdstrike, and the CIA?

TUCKER reports - Begin at 1:00 - https://youtu.be/Cs6pSn4DHgA




How come Jeff Sessions is NOT boldly saying.....There's nothing at all behind the RussiaRussia accusations.......... The answer is--- because he's an insider.


But until someone better, more truthful and courageous comes along, we will support Sessions' incumbency.

YET---Just notice and be mindful... HE's SUPPORTING MUELLER, and he appointed Rosenstein, who is also obviously a crook because Rosenstein- appointed Muller.

AG -JEFF SESSIONS could easily shut the entire RussiaRussia thing down by BOLDLY STATING IN PUBLIC there's nothing to the story because the FBI did not even --ever--- examine the DNC servers, but he's not doing that.



So then what's the "PROOF" Russia hacked? NO proof. Zero. None. Nothing but a wild unverified claim. Its all hot air. Period. WHY IS JEFF NOT BOLDLY POINTING THIS OUT?


Also notice the big BOSS... Donald Trump is clearly an establishment "limited hangout" deceiver too. HE himself could publicly note that the FBI never examined the DNC servers. He could note there is NO ACTUAL PROVEN CRIME being investigated. RussiaRussia is just an abject fishing expedition. Trump could note the "accusation" that 'Russia-Interfered' is devoid of any merit, and he could spotlight the evidence (in documents) suggesting the DNC leaked their OWN emails. Trump could note there is NO solid evidence Russia interfered. HE COULD DO ALL THIS - BUT HE IS NOT. Why? ... He is wimpy in his defensive comments and without full counter attack. He thus allows the RussiaRussia madness to progress.

Despite the fact SESSIONS testified very forthcomingly...


... all the DEM + MSM spin is that he was evasive... THE SPIN the spin THE SPIN... this whole RussiaRussia thing is NO SUBSTANCE, all invented spin.

begin at 32:50 -https://youtu.be/-lCqc7XBqhU






THESE ARE EARMARKS of a "both sides controlled" NWO psyop. An elaborate psyop in which both seeming "sides" are actually part of the GLADIO style psyop "dance" - a manufactured chaos (for hidden-agenda political purposes) both "sides' playing their part.....

Hmmmm, Trump does the ILLUMINATI CODE inverted-pyramid with his hands, AND SO DOES STEPHEN COLBERT...Hmmm




Meanwhile, what is Trump doing overseas? --He has quietly launched two wars in the Mideast. The proxy war upon Qatar. And Trump's secret ground invasion and ground war launched upon Syria. Neither of which is the MSM covering accurately or in due prominence.

[Syrian forces just outmaneuvered USA invaders. What's next?]



Trump is also doing nothing about the recent and ruthless Google, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook... news censorship. Nor is he talking about Chemtrails. Nor the FedRes Central banking scam. Nor did he effect a tax cut, replace Obamacare, get a travel pause, start the wall... and on and on and on. He promised so much 'winning' we would get tired of winning. In five months time - all he's delivered is so much losing we are acutely more tired than we were on November 8th-- of losing losing losing -to the NWO/DeepState shadow manipulations and its heinous abuses that are destroying our nation.

But until we the people can come up with something better than this creepy Zio-NWO controlled LIMITED HANGOUT mess, we need to fight to call off the RussiaRussia madness, because its just an excuse for Trump --NOT doing what he promised.

IS TRUMP REHABBING THE ECONOMY? Facts say NO.... Currently 65% of small businesses are UNPROFITABLE. Retail outlets are closing left and right. Sears, Kellogs, Time inc, effecting layoffs nationwide.

X22 NEWS REPORT - https://youtu.be/-Fqq1vsjYSY


The whole world economy no longer functions on the basis of national debt, stock market movements, jobs, profits, bonds, that dynamic died over the past 15 years. The world economy TODAY is operated by computer programs that intercede when needed to alter financial mishaps by moving blocks of money back and forth to create perceptions that keep folks invested in the process. The numbers can be manipulated to point in any direction the corporations, their media, and bankers want them to. BUT NONE OF THIS IS REAL. How long can the shell game last?






Related other: The short memory of the kool aid intoxicated DEMS and kool aid addicted MSM media

begin at 3:45 - https://youtu.be/00JfdX5VRng



FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY..the further mad rantings of histrionic nut case RACHEL MADDOW


BTW -- One intel agent recently told us confidentially that he has info to indicate BOTH Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell were coached by CIA agents to "try to become the LEFT WING version of PAUL HARVEY".

ALSO note, not only is Rosenstein a crook, acting FBI director McCabe is a crook... Listen to him lie and praise COMEY, who its WELL KNOWN was hated at the FBI. When Comey walked the halls few would even say hello to him. Rank and file especially hated him for corrupting the investigation of Hillary Clinton. And NOT launching an investigation of the Clinton foundation.

McCABE: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVQxfUu-uwg

JUDGE NAPOLITANO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we9e5tAkxVY


And, dear fellow citizen, IN CASE you wonder why our massive TOO large Federal government is inefficient, take a listen to this exchange in a congressional hearing
