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Let us politely point out TYT's Ana Kasparian is a (confessed) 'never been a journalist' uninformed, ranting lunatic

By from net, Posted in Law and Legal Matters


And she's an exemplary sample of how LITERALLY insane the political reality of our nation has become in recent months. Despite much TV discussion of late she seems unaware its been pointed out THERE IS NO SUCH CRIME as "political collusion" on the books. NO SUCH CRIME. So for Mueller to be investigating POTENTIAL COLLUSION he is not investigating a possible crime. Which is literally crazed. WHAT WAS HE APPOINTED FOR, to go on a fishing expedition for something which may or may not be there, which even if there is NOT a crime? Bribery is a crime. Collusion is not crime. SO WHAT IS THIS RUSSIAN probe out to find? A possible something that even if found is not a crime? This is crazed. But who notices?

And why is TYT, a much watched channel, letting this low info raging loon Ana (who has never been an actual journalist) rant on? That is also crazed.

Oh yes the other TYT panelists are just as uninformed and nutty as Ana. Just saying to observe.

ALSO to note Senator Harris asks if Rosenstein will abdicate the DOJ's power to fire Mueller if Mueller goes outside the lines of his role improperly. WHY WOULD THE DOJ DO THAT? But she pounds the question again and again as if the DOJ should release all authority over Mueller, and let him float in a - vacuum. What world would that be in? What imaginary world would that happen in where the DOJ, makes this guy Mueller MORE POWERFUL than the DOJ itself? And for what reasons?

If he is not under the DOJ who would he be under? Congress? Well if Congress, then he's not needed, Congress can just do its own investigation. This woman is making no sense at all.

NOW IF YOU WANT TO HEAR THE FULL VIDEO CLIP of Harris vs. Rosenstein.... the video makes it much more clearer she's nuts and he's rational.
