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JOLTING POSSIBILITY -- The DNC dropped their own emails, to obfuscate the severity of Hillary's email-treason scandal

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

People have been so emotionalized over this Seth Rich story, almost nobody is going to respond well to hearing this commentary.... But we must in good conscience say... There is emerging evidence that this ENTIRE Seth Rich story could be some kind of UNIPARTY staged fakery psyop. No less than TWO intel analysts have privately said to us in recent hours, SETH RICH seems like a SANDY HOOK STYLE PSYOP, particularly the parents and brother.

IS IT ALL ...POSSIBLE .....FAKERY...?.... Sure, knowing the NWO, its eminently POSSIBLE. Well then, what would be motive? If fakery, the purpose would (a) MAYBE be to control the GRASSY KNOLL side of the story, so it can be extinguished as a stupid conspiracy theory at some point.... and thus down the line, USED TO FURTHER SUPPORT and prolong the fiction of the main psyop.... alleged Russian collusion.

ANOTHER two possibilities for a controlled psyop are these:

.... (b) That the NWO & DNC deliberately created ADDITIONAL email leak narratives to confuse the public and obfuscate the treasonous severity of HILLARY's email scandal....


....So that the DNC supposed email leaks were milder in content and less shocking, and blurred the whole email story. AND THE EMAILS in the DNC created narratives were all faked, not really "sent" emails. [Note, Debbie Wasserman was immediately re-employed after removed from DNC, so she may be a controlled patsy].... And the Seth Rich aspect was POSSIBLY to give a false rabbit hole for devout conspiracy theorists to run down. [[[ Just as the GRASSY KNOLL was created as a false rabbit hole in the DALLAS 63 psyop. JFK was not shot IN DEALEY plaza, the limo veered off out of sight after the first turn.... DEALEY was a concept staged psyop segment, a controlled area with crisis actors. Zapruder was pre-filmed with Hollywood style FX and editing of the film. JFK's death was staged because he was ill and was going to be sent away. After the limo veered off JFK was replaced with a dummy for the run to the hospital. See "JFK SHORTY" vids on youtube. JFK was not in any limo emerging from under the underpass at DEALEY PLAZA.... Be aware folks even with triangulated crossfire upon a slow moving car, certainty of such a conceptual hit being successful was shaky. THE NWO DO NOT DESIGN psyops leaving things to chance success. That's why almost all of them are 100% mere simulated staging. And the ones which have real casualties include partial staging for successful narrative control, like 9/11, which had NO REAL PLANES. No planes was done, the holograms NY/ missile DC was done- because the chance of REAL hijacked planes hitting a road runner cartoon bullseye on the buildings was very remote. In NY.... FICTION with internal shape charges ...was much more controllable. In DC, a missile..... ALSO real planes could not have penetrated the WTC buildings due to the perimeter of steel beams.]]]....

And a third possibility of SETH RICH being fiction- is that (c) the NWO wanted to assure Donald Trump got in so he could become the LOOSE CANNON red state prez that they could take down later -and blame his supposed missteps of on "looney right wing voters". This would provide a temporary lightening rod for RED STATE ANGER, then vilify nationalist thinking when Trump is removed.

What creates suspicion this ENTIRE "Seth Rich" story may be a scripted psyop? Some things in the INITIAL reportage. RICH WAS SUPPOSEDLY shot at 419am ON A NITE he should have likely been with his GF. It was a late Saturday night into early Sunday morning. Secondly, he supposedly left this BAR, alone, at 1:45am, rather tipsy. And walked almost 2 miles in meandering mode, talking on the phone. Arriving near his home after 4am. Weird behavior for an upscale yuppie, with a GF, who lives in a very nice section of DC. Behavior (if true) that suggests he is kinda cuckoo, not down to earth, and does not value his own safety.... Does not make sense.... Also he was supposedly phone-talking to his GF at 4am. On a Saturday nite? About what? Why? And she claims they were just having a "normal chat" -- At 4am? Doesn't make sense. Also WALKING THRU DC alone very late at nite after drinking between 2am-4am... doesn't make any sense at all. A TWO AND A HALF HOUR WALK while acutely tipsy? DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.... And the fact the DC police did not even question --ANYONE--- at the bar, is kind of off the rails even for a murder coverup. Sounds more like an element of a psyop ...that was overlooked.


Soooo then, is there... further suspicious stuff?... MOST DEFINITELY-- YES. The family seems preposterous. Both parents are large and bulky but supposedly Seth and a surviving brother are slender.

And in a TV interview shortly after the purported murder, there was no apparent grief, no apparent strain, no raw emotion, no tears..and both the mother and brother were breaking into duping delight smiles at certain points. HOW could this be in a real family? As you look at these clips (below) of the family RECORDED just 5 days after the incident note how strange their no-grieving body language is. With the mom, and brother even breaking into smiles/near giggles. Plus the language of parents is fishy. Sounds just like one of these scripted psyops like Sandy Hook. The mom saying OH HE WAS SUCH A GOOD HEARTED BOY AND WANTED THE WHOLE WORLD TO APPRECIATE EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY AS A GIFT OF SUNSHINE. Who talks like that 5 days after your kid was snuffed, unless you are a crisis actor pushing a tear jerker script? And the dad makes a remark that's weird about his poor soon who was just killed... The dad saying-- THEN HE TOOK TWO BULLETS IN THE BACK.... What??? That does not sound like a father talking, sounds like a cheesy line from a B-level western movie.

Usually when psyopping is suspected one or more investigative vloggers will check into gov't death records and social media history to see if that info looks real. Has anyone done that yet? It may be possible this guy is a fabricated entity, like all the "deceased" personages in the Sandy Hook story.







As for the ONGOING "Seth Rich Story" as being run in MOST alt media... here are latest links



David Horowitz - "We don't have a news media anymore; its a broken system."

begin at 5:15





Soros backed MEDIA MATTERS goes after HANNITY tries to remove sponsors; scores one



begin at 1:55 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZP09LziJ-0