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Western "leaders" ranting about "evil ideology of terrorism" is a brazen & onanistic verbal ranting -of obvious deception

By from net, Posted in Commentary

RADICAL JIHAD TERRORISM is in fact an "ideology" (actually a long form multi decade false flag project)... sponsored, promoted and funded by the Zionist -NWO-Rothschild Cartel. Its run in order to vilify Muslim nations, attack them, destabilize them, and enable easy takeover of their politics, financial system, and oil. And ISIS is a SPECIFIC subset project of that larger project; its false flag militia run by Mossad-CIA-Saudi Arabia-Mi6-NATO. Trump knows this so him spouting rants about "this ideology" is merely hypocrtical nonsense of throwing red meat to naive, easily manipulated sheeple. HE'S ON BOARD with the NWO Zionists. ALSO of course, MANCHESTER UK is not a real terrorist act of violence. Just a another NWO Mossad psyop hoax. IT WAS NOT A REAL EVENT, and Trump also knows this also.
