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FOX NEWS is now a salient part of the spin machine for the NWO-run fake-news Fed gov't Great, huh?

By from net, Posted in News Media

FBI Director James Comey REPORTEDLY (according to rumor) "considered" an anti-Trump dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer "so important" that he insisted the document be included in January's US intelligence community report on "alleged" Russian meddling in the U.S. election, Fox News was supposedly "told" (by whom we don't know).

However as has been widely reported in indy media, there WAS NO such Russian meddling as alleged and its all a CIA fabricated pysop.

Also folks let us note- that UK guy's "dossier" has since been debunked as a complete fabrication of fictional lies. Guess Fox News just absent mindedly forgot to mention that. Post Ailes/O'Reilly they are so busy now trying to become the new CNN. [Is Hannity next to be shoved out?]


And yes the FoxNews management HAS OPENLY DECLARED they are moving away from the right and trying to compete with CNN. Great, huh? As if we need more media boldly dedicated to fake news for the CIA psyops. Geesh!

Oh and as for all this blather about RUSSIA and the 2016 election? Gosh people... the investigators looking at the Mafia NYC Lufthansa Heist back in 1967 figured out who did it within 3 days. But in more than a year, all the king's congressmen and all the king's FBI shills can't figure out for sure if there was "Russian meddling"? Oh yeah, sure, take that to the bank as gospel. And btw...YES THERE WAS major meddling in the election but it wasn't by Russia. It was by Israel/AIPAC/Mossad/CFR/Goldman Sachs. That's who immorally and unethically interfered/manipulated. Just look at Trump's staff and cabinet. --WHO ARE THEY? And --where did they come from?


Listen, staring now, EVERY TIME you hear RUSSIA MEDDLING IN ELECTION substitute the word Israel for Russia, because that-- is the REAL story. Got it?

And who do you think made Trump fire rockets at Syria (over a fake news "gassing" hoax that Mossad staged)? Right. you're catching on.... ISRAEL.