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WARNING: -- Putin's supposed "good phone call" with Trump was actually in fact a very very very BAD omen- for the whole world. HERE's WHY:

By from net, Posted in Top Serious


THIS IS A SETUP FOR A FALSE FLAG "catastrophe" and also strongly indicates "MR. PUTIN" is part of the NWO and will walk both Syria and Russia into planned destruction with and for the NWO.... Why do we say this?....First of all...let us look at the history of Russia. Once the Zionist/Rothschild Clan took over Russia in 1917, they were in firm control of the nation thereafter. The "breakdown" of Soviet Empire was deliberately done for various reasons which could comprise a whole other conversation, but it was no "accidental demise of a failed system". Actually one of the reasons it was taken down is it had provided too much comfort and stability for the Russian public after running for several decades. People got used to it and were living too well within it. Again though, a convo for another day. The point of the moment is, the idea of Putin (a vary hard guy to get detailed background info on) emerging from under the cartoonish shadow of Yeltsin, and *SEEMING* to be a "independent, modern, progressive thinker/leader for Russia" was basically wishful thinking in the realm of international 'peace-seekers'. And ever since Putin's elevation, Russia watchers have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Meaning... a confirming indication he is either a controlled Rothschild/Rockefeller agent, or a real independent. This news report link above -is the other shoe..... A confirmation of Putin ....being with the NWO.

BECAUSE, under no circumstances whatsoever should Putin allow, tolerate or invite the US to have any role in Syria. He knows the US government is a devil run by the rapacious Zionist Rothschild NWO and -their aim is to absolutely subterfuge, destroy, breakup and takeover Syria. He knows ISIS is a proxy for Mossad/CIA/Mi6/Turkey/Saudi/NATO.... He knows the US government is the manipulated bitch of Rothschilds and Tel Aviv. HE KNOWS all this and he knows the what the west's intentions are with Syria. He certainly has the big picture clearly in his perceptions. So by talking about collaborating with the USA for establishing a NO FLY ZONE, his move is an absolute betrayal against Syria, Russia and world peace. HE IS MERELY SETTING UP a [soon to be enacted] "downed USA plane" -false flag situation... He is perpetrating sheer political madness by extending ANY welcome WHATSOEVER to USA involvement of a ANY kind -with Syria. The USA/NATO/Mossad --is the enemy in the Syria war (thru proxy "rebels"). Its not a civil war per se, its nothing but a [disguised] grossly heinous regime change endeavor. WTF is Putin doing in putting a welcome mat out for the Trump to "collaborate"? .....This is the other shoe. This is confirmation PUTIN is part of the evil big game. A Rothschild agent and collaborator. All USA patriots must immediately voice up and demand the US have NO OVERT INVOLVEMENT WITH and NO OVERT ROLE in SYRIA ....whatsoever AT ALL.!!!!!!!!

THIS NEWS ITEM WILL BE ADDED TO AND UPDATED LATER IN THIS DAY, and will be fed to you again when later added to and updated. This was a starter draft to get the perspective articulated of what just happened. What just happened was something--- very very bad.