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Its absolutely certain now Trump is NWO-Rothschild Controlled. Can you handle hearing that? And understand what it means?

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

(HENRY MAKOW) -- No matter whom we elect, we get the same thing:
Endless war. Terror. Economic Turmoil. Social Descent.... Why is this?


Our "leaders" are all Rothschild flunkies. The Rothschilds (Rothschild NWO Banking Cartel) are cabalists (literally: Satanists.) Thru the "central banking system" (aka Federal Reserve Bank) they have a sanctioned monopoly for creating the medium of exchange (money), credit & printed currency. They produce these coupons from nothing, something our government could do itself, interest-and-debt-free. Its a scam. Alas, our "money" is just essentially counterfeit chips in their digital casino.


Their agenda is to protect this monopoly by extending it into a monopoly over everything - power, knowledge, culture, religion -- and by 'reengineering humanity' to serve them. This requires the breakdown of nations, races, religions (God) and family (even gender definitions). This is why Western nations are flooded by migrants. Why Communist and LGBT values are foisted on children. Why universities have been neutered. Why corporations and banks promote migration and homosexuality. Why the foreign policy of the West is bent on destroying any resistance (Russia, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Korea.) Society is satanically possessed. Freemasonry and organized Jewry are their instruments. Why do so few "pundits" get this? [Answer: - LACK OF READING REAL HISTORY, LACK OF REAL KNOWLEDGE. Excessive consumption of mainstream media. They don't get it because their minds lack real and substantive history. What they THINK is history (from mainstream media) is merely propaganda narrative from "the powers that be."]


- See more at:(and scroll down on the page you link to here) https://www.henrymakow.com/#sthash.wRodTfrK.dpuf






David Icke reveals who your rulers- ACTUALLY ARE (discretion advised):


The NWO New World Order plans: - end Internet freedom - a new USA big false terrorist attack - full police state - WWIII

