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CONFIRMED - Rothschild NWO Cartel (with help of CFR & AIPAC) is using IVANKA AND JARED to sideline Bannon and derail Donald's judgment on world affairs

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

REPORTEDLY - Trump's irrationality in going along with the NWO's false flag SYRIA PSYOP script was abetted by his naive daughter with whom he is emotionally infatuated. So IVANKA got him to kill people with missiles, without even checking out carefully the accusation against Assad? Really? Come on folks there's much more to this story than that...Sure she was involved but connect the dots ppl... She and Jared are AIPAC infiltrators.

http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/press-briefing-Sean-Spicer-White-House/2017/04/10/id/783663/ (and his gross naivete to invest world affairs trust in Jared/Ivanka/McMaster/Powell)...


President Ivanka?

Lee Stranahan report - People need to wake up and see IVANKA IS A HUGE PROBLEM...




Oh, wait now, what you say??? So outing Kushner & Ivanka as AIPAC agents is "anti semitic"?-- LOL yeah right...

The silly attempt to counter spin the outing of Kushner as an NWO/AIPAC/Mossad infiltrator into the Trump regime.. LOL.. Hey clowns -- Its well known by now who Jared works for and its not America. If you want to call exposure of Tel Aviv's relationship to the NWO-Rothschild-globalists- "anti Semitism", knock yourself out. The public is finally seeing thru all this.


If you think about it folks, this SYRIA FALSE FLAG PSYOP mess is getting to be a worse story by the moment. WHAT JUST HAPPENED THIS MORNING? Team Trump sends son Eric out to...(what?) Create an excuse maybe? ---For Donald losing his mind and going off the rails in judgment, over the FAKE NEWS accusing Assad of an untrue claim? .....Hmmmm.... what exactly are we being told here and urged to buy?.... Are we supposed to forgive Trump from acting rashly over some evil fake news PSYOP, because, oh gosh, his daughter who he adores, fell for the psyop's TV propaganda?--- REALLY? Is that the message here? .....Listen --DONALD TRUMP preaches against falling for fake news ...every week. So doesn't he have enough caution and discrimination to say--when these propagandized images are thrown all over TV-- isn't he cautious and wise enough to say .....HOLD UP THIS COULD BE STAGED PROPAGANDA we gotta check this out carefully. And we should remember the 2013 'same claims' against Assad were proven false then. So let's be properly skeptical of this rebooted claim.......... Are we supposed to believe he threw all that discernment/caution out the widow because irrationally killing strangers overseas with rockets would ....make his adored daughter--- feel better? .........Is that what Eric's saying?

Because if we are to follow the line of Eric's commentary, the implication seems-- we are supposed to EXCUSE DJT for MURDERING STRANGERS ACROSS THE SEA WITH MISSILES because his daughter was "upset". Facts be dammed. WOW is that what we are being told?

How about we start with this Donald:--- SEND IVANKA AND JARED back to NYC where these lifestyle-spoiled, amateur celebutantes belong... and get them out of your hair and out of your ear........ WOW, sanity please people! Eh?

ALSO POTUS---- get rid of McMaster, Haley and Tillerson....They are absolutely deranged and are salivating to TAKE OVER SYRIA and start a war with Russia. Send them packing too.

GOODNESS! --What madness is going on in DC and in the WH?


[[Editor's note - Pat Buchanan just totally agreed with our comments above..live on air.. on Michael Savage's radio program today/Tuesday. Pat also saying: Trump has put himself in a terrible box by embracing the NWO's aims. Pat says Trump has put us on the brink of involvement of a very dangerous regional war.

Simultaneously Michael Savage says-- Trump's impulsive reversal in foreign policy and the decision to fire missiles upon Syria-- was a precipitous, absurd atrocity. ]]