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Intel Sources - MEGA STORMS will be inflicted upon USA south to distract from DOD launch of NWO's wicked new plans against Syria

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

INTEL ANALYSIS UPDATE== http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/04/02/severe-weather-threat-texas-louisiana-brace-for-possible-flooding-tornadoes.html == THIS is the geo-engineering APRIL 2017 Weather Abuse PSYOP which was warned about by a noted covert intel source two months ago.



ITS IS THE "planned/geo-engineered" havoc which was warned about as a SPRING distraction/disaster domestic PSYOP....(and it may be one of two such in short succession) CAN THIS BE STOPPED? DOD should be able to find the DeepState/NWO cadre that is in charge of this op. DOD should be able to find the cadre that is in charge of this op IF IT WANTS TO, but in fact, the reverse may be true. DOD may be intimately INVOLVED in this plot because it has been said the chief PURPOSE of the multi purpose PSYOP is to provide DISTRACTION to cover in the news media, deceptive and insidious launch of an illegal/unconstitutional.... new ground war wave.... in Syria.



ARCHIVES FEB 2017 --- http://www.daretoreadit.com/55859/major-intel-agent-says-deepstate-is-trying-to-set-trump-up-to-attack-assad

CURRENT ADDITIONAL INFO -- http://www.daretoreadit.com/56498/devious-evil-trump-regime-bypasses-congress-starts-new-illegal-ground-wars-in-syria-iraq-allegedly-against-isis-which-is-a-flase-flag-milita-run-by-mossad-cia-but-really-in-fact-to-cut-up-destroy-syrian-nation

RELATED OTHER - https://twitter.com/cynthiamckinney/status/847826375474106368

BIG PICTURE BACKGROUND ON MAIN STORY -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM2Fi1rhYqc