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Commentary - The shrinking middle class

By from net, Posted in Commentary

begin at 32:00 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZYq01HEARc

Editor's note - Nick sounds sincere but his marketplace analysis is incorrect due to a certain lacking of historical info in his possesion. THE FREE MARKET is not the cause of income inequity. Its the TAX code and the FedRes central banking debt creation in the currency system. Crony Capitalism is not unfettered capitalism. We share Nick's vlog though because he reflects what the lamestream media is telling people ARE THE REASONS for our nation's economic mess. They are telling the public its the fault of capitalism and a free market. Not so. Its the opposite. its due to government interference in natural market dynamics. Read PROGRESS AND POVERTY by Henry George.

As for his comments on charter schools, he's also sincerely off base there too. Charter schools are growing because the public schools in America have been zio-nwo corrupted with crazy curricula. And certainly clients of private schools have influence with them.

PRIVATIZATION is sometimes good and sometimes bad. You have to take it on an issue by issue case by case basis.